End of Year Poll: What Were Your Favorite Shoes of 2013

Normally at the end of each year I do a few posts summing up my favorite shoes of the year. I plan to do a list of my top 5 road shoes within the next week (Nate may do one for trail as well), but wanted to take a slightly different approach by asking you […]

Do Minimalist Shoes Increase Injury Risk?: Merry Christmas Vibram

Contrary to what you may read in the coming days about a new study that just came out, Vibram just got the best Christmas present they could have received. The question of whether minimalist running shoes reduce or increase injury risk has been debated extensively over the past 3-4 years. Much of this debate has […]

More on Man Parts and Running

I had no idea when I wrote my post yesterday on cold sensitivity in the man parts when wearing tights that it would be such a popular topic! In the past 24 hours the post has been viewed nearly 4000 times and has accumulated 91 comments and counting. Who knew! Well, it seems I’m not […]

Shorts Or No Shorts Over Running Tights – A Post on Winter Running

We’re all friends here right? Ok, so I’m going to cover a sensitive topic in this post (pun intended). Hold on tight! On Tuesday I went for a run in a snowstorm. The flakes were coming down pretty steadily, the roads and sidewalks were completely snow-covered, and the temperature when I left was 13 degrees […]

Update Your Runblogger RSS Feed

Quick post. When I transitioned Runblogger from Blogger to WordPress, I also made the decision to abandon using Feedburner to serve my RSS feed. My reason is that Google no longer actively supports or develops Feedburner and I have no idea how much longer it will continue to exist as a service. If you have […]

Dirty Runner: Skechers GoRun Ultra Review

One of the best things about writing this column has been the opportunity I’ve had to build personal relationships with shoe companies.  The one that I work with the most is Skechers.  By now I should not have to convince anybody that they are a “real” performance running shoe manufacturer, so I won’t…  For me, […]

This Is What Happiness Looks Like!

We got our first big snow of the season last night here in New Hampshire. One of my favorite forms of winter exercise is snowshoeing (a type of shoe I know almost nothing about!), so I decided to take my black lab Jack out for a trek. We stopped at the head of the trail […]

adidas Adios Boost Review – Great Shoe, If a Bit Pricey

For quite a long time I’ve avoided most any shoe over 8mm drop from heel to forefoot. However, a few months ago I bought a pair of New Balance 1400v2’s after hearing positive things about them from friends (damn you John Schrup!). I never tried the 1400v1 because the drop was above my preferred range […]

A New Blog, and A Post On Honesty in Blog Reviews

I love to write, and for several months I’ve been contemplating the idea of starting a second blog. Runblogger is my first home, but it has grown into more of a niche site than I originally intended, and a lot of the topics I’d like to write about would simply not fit well here. For […]

Movement Signature of the Gravity Intolerant Runner – The Importance of Swing Phase

This is a guest post by Dr. Jeff Moreno, DPT A common observation  in the world of running is the runner that overstrides. I think whether you are in the world of research, or treating runners full-time in a clinical setting, we can all agree that overstriding is suboptimal. We all understand the potential physical […]