by Carsten Hoever Introduction This is the second part of a series of blog posts about the RunLAB fullbody running analysis offered by the Swedish running shoe company Salming. The first post, which was published on The Running Swede Blog, was mostly a general description of the RunLAB and the general experience. This post will […]
Movement Signature of the Gravity Intolerant Runner – The Importance of Swing Phase
This is a guest post by Dr. Jeff Moreno, DPT A common observation in the world of running is the runner that overstrides. I think whether you are in the world of research, or treating runners full-time in a clinical setting, we can all agree that overstriding is suboptimal. We all understand the potential physical […]
Colin’s Running Form – Sometimes Radically Different Shoes Don’t Change Things Very Much
Last week I posted some video of my friend Sam Winebaum’s running form after a filming session at the clinic. Today I wanted to share some video of another athlete who visited last week: Colin Cook. Colin owns Peak Triathlon Coaching in Bedford, New Hampshire, and is an accomplished triathlete. As evidence of his ability, […]
You Be The Gait Analyst: Analyze Sam’s Running Form
If you’ve followed this blog over the past six months you’ll know that I resigned from a 10-year career as a college professor back in May. Aside from my desire to pursue this blog on a more full-time basis, a second big motivator for leaving academia was that I had an offer to work out […]
ScribeLabs Running Kinematics Footpod – Preview Post on DC Rainmaker
The world of mobile monitoring of aspects of running form is starting to grow rapidly. It started with devices like footpods that can track cadence and report the value in real-time on a watch or smartphone, but lately new tools have been popping up at a rapid pace. For example, last week when I was […]
My Running Gait Analysis at the Spaulding National Running Center
Last Friday I traveled down to Boston to give a research presentation at the Spaulding National Running Center. I was invited by Dr. Irene Davis, one of the world’s leading experts on running gait and injuries, and it was awesome to be able to spend an afternoon at a top notch gait lab. I got […]
Is Forefoot Running a “Cure” for Chronic Anterior Compartment Syndrome?
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) We’ve all been waiting for data to trickle out regarding actual outcomes from studies that have employed gait modification for the treatment of specific running injuries. Those data are now starting to appear. A group led by Major Angela Diebal from Keller Army Community Hospital in West Point, NY just released a […]
Usain Bolt Running Form While Sprinting and Jogging
The below videos provide some great footage of Usain Bolt’s sprinting and jogging gaits. In the first, you’ll notice that Bolt has the characteristic ball-of-of foot touchdown seen in sprinters, and it appears that most of the time his heel does not touch down at all (note – distance runners should not attempt to emulate […]
Application of the “Wet Test” and Static Arch Height for Assigning Running Shoes: Nails in the Coffin
If you wear running shoes, it’s fairly likely that you are familiar with the so-called “wet-test.” The basic procedure is that if you wet the sole of your bare foot and stand on an absorbent surface like dry concrete or a paper bag, the imprint of your foot will reveal something about your arch height […]
Meb Keflezighi’s Running Form in Slow Motion: Boston 2010, NYC 2010, and NYC 2011
Last Sunday, Meb Keflezighi ran the 2011 NYC Marathon and finished in sixth place with a personal best time of 2:09:13. Much has been made lately of Meb’s decision to sign a sponsorship deal with Skechers, and NYC was his first marathon with Skechers shoes on his feet. In the video below, Meb indicates that […]
My 18 Month Old Son’s Barefoot Running Form in Slow Motion!
This past weekend I was out in the yard playing with my kids, and I was encouraging my older son to try to get my 18 month old son to run with him. My younger boy has just started to run within the past few months, and on occasion he gets to the point where […]
On Human Variability, Running Shoes, and Running Form: The Importance of an Individualized Approach
I open this post with an illustration of the Galapagos Finches and their variable beak anatomy (illustration by John Gould) – my reason is to emphasize a point. As an evolutionary biologist, I’ve spent much of my life studying anatomical variation, and I think it’s sometimes easy to forget that we humans are animals just […]
Moses Mosop Bounces on his Forefeet and Floats Through the Air to Win the Chicago Marathon!
I’ve received a few comments regarding Chicago Marathon winner Moses Mosop’s unique running style – the race was held on Sunday, and Mosop won with a course-record time of 2:05:37. Last night I received an email from Amby Burfoot, who had forwarded a photo of Mosop taken near the finish line at Chicago. The photo […]
Foot Strike Photos from the NYC Barefoot Run
As part of my whirlwind trip to New York City, on Sunday morning I attended the NYC Barefoot Run. Rather than starting the race with the other runners, I opted to set up shop about a quarter mile from the starting line with my trusty high-speed video camera in tow. Managed to film all of […]