Erin Larson writes about finding balance in our everyday lives at In this post she shares why sometimes it’s OK not to run. It’s OK not to run. This seems like a strange post to publish on a running blog, but it’s taken me a long time to figure this out and I need […]
BBC Documentary Examines Doping Allegations Against Alberto Salazar and the Nike Oregon Project
The big news in the running world yesterday was the release of a documentary and several associated articles alleging doping among members of the Nike Oregon Project. I just finished watching the documentary on YouTube and thought I’d share it here. Below also are several links to articles about the allegations. It will be interesting […]
The Subjectivity of Running Speed
by Austin Bonds The 119th running of the prestigious Boston Marathon ended recently, and needless to say the field was full of very fast runners. A good friend of mine finished in 2:59:50, though if I put his amazing time in perspective, the winner of the men’s race, Lelisa Desisa of Ethiopia, broke the tape […]
It’s Gotta Be the Shoes, Or Does It?
by Austin Bonds ( A week ago I was helping a man find some running shoes and noticed an older gentlemen slide into my peripheral vision. Since my head is usually turned downward as I tie laces countless times throughout the day, I glanced at his sneaks and observed that he had an older pair […]
Tips on Running Safety For Women
by Austin Bonds I’ve come to the realization that running safety can be easily neglected in the middle of a great run. The weather feels fantastic, the feet are moving swiftly across the sidewalk, and the beat of a favorite song is pulsing through the ears. We run and we return home – it should […]
How Running Saved the Life of an Olympian: Lynn Jennings’ Story
I met Lynn Jennings for the first time last summer. She had emailed me out-of-the-blue earlier in the year to ask if I might be interested in coming to Craftsbury, VT in July to be a coach/speaker at one of the annual adult running camps. It’s not every day that you get an email from […]
Why the Mizuno Sayonara Does Not Work For Me: Technology and A Tale of Two Shoes
I’ll start this post by stating clearly that people can respond very differently to a given shoe depending on idiosyncratic characteristics of their stride, anatomy, training program (speed, surfaces, etc.) and so on. I’m lucky in that I can run in most shoes without experiencing major issues, but every once in awhile I encounter a […]
Off The Road and Into the Mud: Becoming an Obstacle Racer
Intro from Pete: I’ve known Heather Gannoe since the early days of, and finally got to meet her in person a few weeks ago out in Oregon. Heather has blogged as long as I have, formerly as Run Faster Mommy!, and now over at Relentless Forward Commotion. She has a knack for keeping it […]
Running Changes Lives: Louise Cunningham’s Story
One of the things that I absolutely love about writing this blog is meeting people through it who have changed their lives by starting to run. Louise Cunningham is one such person. I met Louise (or Weez) this summer at a running workshop that I co-hosted here in Concord, NH – she drove all the […]
Running Long in the Heat
Like most people in the US I’ve been dealing with heat acclimation over the past several weeks. My runs have felt sluggish, my heart rate has been elevated way above what it should be for my level of effort, and running beyond 3 miles in 90+ degree heat saps me. The problem is that I […]
Rick and Dick Hoyt – Inspirational Father-Son Story
My friend Josh (@bostoncardiovet) posted a link to a video compilation of Dick and Rick Hoyt competing in an Ironman Triathlon last night, and after a bit of poking around, I came across the one that I’ve posted below. If you’re not familiar with their story, Rick has cerebral palsy, and Dick, his father, has […]
The Running Nuns of St. Charles Children’s Home in Rochester, NH
Since I started this blog a year ago, I’ve met a lot of people who have done some great things through running. I’d like to use this post to highlight a particular group of women who are working hard to change the lives of troubled children for the better, and one of the ways they […]
Why My Fall Marathons Probably Won’t Earn Me a Trip to Boston in 2010
Let me start this post by stating the obvious – I am passionate about distance running. There are few things in life that I enjoy more than being out on the road or trail and feeling the steady beat of my footsteps underneath me. Like many passionate distance runners, I also take pride in my […]
Vibram Fivefinger Fun-Run: Puddle Stomping Like a Kid in My "Monster Shoes"
Image via Wikipedia Today was one of those cool, rainy Fall-like days that make you want to curl up on the couch with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate. Unfortunately, two cords of firewood awaited stacking in my driveway, and a restful day wasn’t in the cards. For me, the annual stacking […]
A Memorable Week of Running
We runner’s often like to say that our sport is one of distinct ups and downs. Some days/weeks it’s all you can do to force yourself out the door, others it’s all you can do to hold yourself back from running yourself into the ground because you feel so darn good. For me, this past […]