by Austin Bonds ( A week ago I was helping a man find some running shoes and noticed an older gentlemen slide into my peripheral vision. Since my head is usually turned downward as I tie laces countless times throughout the day, I glanced at his sneaks and observed that he had an older pair […]
NH Reach the Beach Relay Race Report by My Wife Erin
Let me begin by saying I don’t race. I hate racing and always have. For one, I don’t have a competitive bone in my body (except when playing backgammon, or any game for that matter, with my husband). I just don’t thrive on the stress and anticipation of race day. The jittery feeling, instead of […]
The North Face Ultra Trail Shoe Review
This is a guest review by David Henry. David is a 29 year old husband and father of 3 young children. He has completed over 20 ultra marathon events as well as many other shorter races. Some of the notable races he has completed include The Pike’s Peak Marathon, the White River 50 mile, […]
Arc’Teryx Running Apparel Guest Review: High Quality Apparel for Running in Nasty Weather
I live in the Pacific NW, and as you may have heard, it rains a lot here. Being a long distance trail runner, this poses some interesting gear challenges. The winter months can be particularly tricky to gear up for, especially when you might wind up running for hours in steady, cold rain. In order […]
B2R Trail Performance Shoe: Guest Review by Christian Messerschmidt
I am writing this review of the brand new B2R Trail Performance shoe as I recover from a 50K trail race last weekend. In that race I broke two paramount rules of long-distance running: 1. “Do not go out too fast”- I did, hung with the lead pack for a while, and crashed and burned […]
Off The Road and Into the Mud: Becoming an Obstacle Racer
Intro from Pete: I’ve known Heather Gannoe since the early days of, and finally got to meet her in person a few weeks ago out in Oregon. Heather has blogged as long as I have, formerly as Run Faster Mommy!, and now over at Relentless Forward Commotion. She has a knack for keeping it […]
Foot Function, Ankle Dorsiflexion, and Minimalism – Oh My!–Guest Post by Greg Strosaker
I’ve known Greg Strosaker for several years, originally through, and now as a fellow running blogger over at Predawn Runner. Greg and I have discussed footwear frequently in the past, and about three years ago he wrote a post here on Runblogger about his move into neutral footwear. Greg has since broken the 3:00 […]
On Overpronation and Neutral Running Shoes: Guest Post by Anders Torger
One of the great things about this blog is that through it I have met some very thoughtful people who share my deep fascination in the topics of running mechanics and shoe choice. I’ve recently started exchanging emails with a fellow runner from Sweden, Anders Torger, and he apparently has as big a shoe problem […]
Shifting Into Neutral – A Novice Shoe Buyer’s Experience
It’s sometimes easy to forget that we are all at different in our thoughts about running shoes. Some of us prefer lots of cushioning, whereas other, like myself, prefer a more minimalist style. It’s also easy to forget that those of us who have gone minimalist often started off in more typical cushioned trainers. It […]
Boston Marathon Course Preview: Hopkinton to Heartbreak Hill
My dailymile and Twitter friend Alett M. (@petfxr) just put together an awesome slideshow combining photos from her final prep run for the 2010 race as well as pictures taken at the mile 20 “beer check” from 2009. Check it out: