Erin Larson writes about finding balance in our everyday lives at In this post she shares why sometimes it’s OK not to run. It’s OK not to run. This seems like a strange post to publish on a running blog, but it’s taken me a long time to figure this out and I need […]
Maickel Melamed: The Final Finisher of the 2015 Boston Marathon
Maickel Melamed, who suffers from a form of muscular dystrophy, was the final finisher of the 2015 Boston Marathon. Boston was his fifth and final marathon, and he completed it in just over 20 hours. Check out the video below for more on his inspirational story:
Inspiring Story: 500+ Pound Man Finishes First 5K Race
I love stories about people who take control of their health by getting active. Yesterday on Facebook I shared a video about a man named Derek Mitchell who weighed 625 pounds. He decided he needed to do something about his weight, and so far he has lost 35 pounds and he just completed his first […]
How Running Saved the Life of an Olympian: Lynn Jennings’ Story
I met Lynn Jennings for the first time last summer. She had emailed me out-of-the-blue earlier in the year to ask if I might be interested in coming to Craftsbury, VT in July to be a coach/speaker at one of the annual adult running camps. It’s not every day that you get an email from […]
Bernd Heinrich on Running: Amazing Video
Before there was “Born to Run” there was “Why We Run.” The latter, a book written by Bernd Heinrich, was the first running book I ever read, and it was one of the launching pads for my interest in running science. In the book, Heinrich mixes his life story with elements of animal physiology and […]
An Awe Inspiring Performance: 100 Miles for Andy O.
One of the great things about the sport of running is that I get to repeatedly witness good people accomplish truly amazing things. I’ve written a lot on this blog about the power of the internet to bring like-minded people together, and so it was last year that I met a guy named Andy O’Brien […]