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2013 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Running Gear Deals

Last year around this time I put up a post containing a collection of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale links. Basically what I did was spend several hours scouring the web for running-related holiday sales, and aggregated them all into a single post – kind of a one-stop shop for runners looking for discounted […]

2016 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Running Shoe and Gear Deals

Each year around this time I put up a post containing a collection of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale links. Basically what I do is spend some time scouring the web for running-related holiday sales, and aggregate them all into a single post – kind of a one-stop shop for runners looking for discounted […]

On Blogging, Burnout, and Life

I nearly pulled the plug on this blog last Fall. The fact that I didn’t is largely attributable to the support of my wife and my family. I feel compelled to mention them at the beginning of this post since they are far wiser about issues of life than I am, and they deserve credit […]

Is a Glass of Red Wine Per Day a Viable Substitute For Regular Exercise?

Every once in awhile an article comes through my Facebook feed that sets off alarm bells. The other day I saw a link to an article titled “A Glass of Red Wine is the Equivalent to an Hour at the Gym Says New Study.” The sub-title reads “New research reveals skipping the gym in favour […]

Asics Super J33: How A Running Shoe Changes Barefoot Gait Mechanics

Runblogger Forum member Michael recently posted a video from Asics that features the Asics Super J33 running shoe. The Super J33 is kind of the stability version of the Gel Lyte33, a shoe that I like a lot. I bought the Super J33 as well for a review, but have not had a chance to […]

Janji Running Apparel: A Company With a Conscience

Just over a week ago I got an email from Dave Spandorfer at Janji asking if I’d be interested in trying out some of their running apparel. I get a lot of requests like this and often decline them because I find it hard to review clothing. It fits or it doesn’t. It’s comfortable or […]

Beginning Runner Tips: Choosing A Running Shoe

Tonight I’ll be meeting for the first time with my Spring 2014 5K Yes I Can! running group. This will be the second Spring that I’ve co-coached a beginner running group, and last year I had an absolute blast doing it. There’s nothing quite as rewarding as helping people develop a running routine, and I […]

Newton MV2 Zero Drop Running Shoe Review: First Impressions

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of travel for me, and my posting rate here on the blog has suffered a bit as a result. My most recent trip was a short jaunt to Boulder, Colorado to attend Newton Running’s annual retail summit. Newton was kind enough to invite me to serve on […]

Muscle Tuning and Leg Stiffness: Why Shoes and Running Surfaces Do Matter?

Over the past few months I’ve come to a few conclusions about my preferences in running footwear. In general, I prefer shoes to have either a fairly soft midsole (e.g., Saucony Kinvara, Mirage, and Peregrine; Nike Free), or virtually no midsole at all (Vibram Fivefingers, Merrell Barefoot, Vivobarefoot, etc.). Shoes that have a substantial but […]

Foot Strike Patterns During Barefoot Running on Hard and Soft Surfaces

So far this week I have written about studies that have looked at foot strike patterns in in minimally shod or barefoot runners. A study of the Tarahumara in Mexico showed that even among individuals who habitually wear minimal footwear, foot strike patterns are variable during running. A study of the Hadza in Tanzania suggested […]

Runblogger Reader Survey Results: Top Trail Running Shoes of 2014

Last week I posted the results of the 2014 Runblogger reader survey of top road running shoes. In this post we move on to the trail shoe results (delayed a bit by a stomach virus that has ripped through my house over the past week…). For the trail shoe survey, I received a total of […]

2014 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Running Gear Sales and Deals

Each year around this time I put up a post containing a collection of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale links. Basically what I do is spend several hours scouring the web for running-related holiday sales, and aggregate them all into a single post – kind of a one-stop shop for runners looking for discounted shoes and […]

Parenting and Running: Finding the Balance

Every once in awhile you read something that hits you at a deep emotional level. I had that experience just now reading this article by Katie Arnold on Outside Online. In the article, Arnold writes about the relationship between being a parent and running ultras, and she is both candid and honest in sharing her […]

Nike Lunaracer Running Shoe Review

I’ve written a number of shoe reviews on this blog in the past few months, but have barely scratched the surface in comparison to the number of shoes that I’ve actually run in. The next installment in my series of review is the Nike Lunaracer. I bought a pair of Nike Lunaracers last summer (the […]

Winter Running Apparel Review: GORE and Sporthill Windproof Running Pants and Tights

One of the most popular posts I wrote last winter was a piece on whether you should wear shorts or no shorts over running tights. The post currently has 135 comments, quite possibly a record for this site, and it quickly became clear that I had hit on a topic of great significance to runners. […]