About seven years ago I wrote what I still consider to be my most personally meaningful blog post. It was about my (then 8 year old) daughter, Emma, and how she had just run the cross country race of her life. Emma was never the fastest runner as a kid, in fact she quit cross country […]
Parenting and Running: Finding the Balance
Every once in awhile you read something that hits you at a deep emotional level. I had that experience just now reading this article by Katie Arnold on Outside Online. In the article, Arnold writes about the relationship between being a parent and running ultras, and she is both candid and honest in sharing her […]
Chasing School Buses: An Unexpected Benefit of Being a Running Dad
Image via Wikipedia I had no intention of writing a second post this soon after the one I wrote this morning, but sometimes you’ve got a story that needs to be told. On the first day of my summer break, I had the pleasure of going for a nice long walk with my wife, daughter, […]
Running Through Parenthood: More Tips From my dailymile Friends on How to Stay Active With a Baby in the House
About three weeks ago, just a few days after my son (third child) was born, I posed the following question to my friends on dailymile: “Help a new parent!!! As a father of a newborn, I’m looking for suggestions of how to handle training with a baby in the house from those who have been […]
Exercising With a Baby in the House: Tips for Parents on How to Stay Active
A few weeks ago I posted a question on dailymile asking how people managed to stay active with a newborn baby in the house (my current challenge!). In addition to the great responses I got in the comments after my post, I also received a very thoughtful message from my dailymile friend Christina H. of […]
The Power of Parenting II: A Lesson Learned
As any parent knows, teaching lessons to your kids can often be frustrating. Most of the time, the lessons we teach are either basic life skills (e.g., how to brush your teeth; how to read), or lessons about personal safety (e.g., don’t jump on the dog when it’s sleeping; your little sister is not a […]
The Power of Parenting
I recently finished the book “Freakonomics” by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, and one of the final chapters in the book argues that what parents do has much less influence than they might think on how their kids will turn out. Rather, they support the idea that most outcomes that can be attributed […]