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Winter Running Traction: Stabilicers Run, Kahtoola Nanospikes, and YakTrax Run Cleats

Winters where I live can be hard, but my disdain for the treadmill generally keeps me outside unless conditions get really bad. This winter started off pretty tame up here in New Hampshire. We had cold, but not much snow through early January, and I was able to use road shoes for most of my […]

Thoughts on Paying for Services in the Online Running World: dailymile goes PRO

One of the things that has happened as this blog has grown is that I get email requests from all kinds of people about all kinds of things. Some people write to ask me to spread the word about their blog. PR companies email to ask me to promote their products (many of which I […]

New Balance Minimus Trail: Is the MT20 Coming Soon?

I’ve written a number of posts about my up and down experience with the New Balance Minimus Trail shoes. The original version, the MT10, is an awesome shoe, but suffers from what I feel is a serious design flaw in that the black band across the forefoot is rather constricting (for at least some people). […]

Zappos Customer Service Is Indeed Impressive

As a company, Zappos is known for their exceptional customer service (indeed, “Powered by Service” is one of their taglines – see logo at left). I’ve long been a Zappos affiliate, meaning I get a commission from sales made via clicks from this site, but I’ve only ever ordered from them a few times. And […]

Maximalist Running Shoes: Some Thoughts on the New “Trend” in Running

The new trend in running shoes is maximalism: beefed up shoes with lots of cushion. Maximalism was triggered by the growing popularity of shoes made by the brand Hoka One One. Hoka started as a niche brand within the trail ultrarunning community, and has expanded its line to include road shoes as well. I’ve posted […]

Using Road Racing Shoes for Trail Running

by David Henry I’ve been using road racing shoes for trail running for quite some time now. Within this category, I typically look for shoes that feel fast and quick, are lightweight, and yet can still protect against the hazards of the trail.  Recently, I spent some time trying to narrow down the shoe(s) I […]

Finding the Most Comfortable Running Shoe for You

It seems that one of the almost universally accepted maxims about finding the best running shoe for you is to choose the one that feels most comfortable on your feet for the type of running you intend to use it for. Another way this is often phrased is to choose the shoe that disappears on […]

ASICS versus Zero Drop, Maximalist versus Minimalist

I’ve been following with interest a spirited debate that is taking place over on my friend Bill Katovsky’s Zero Drop blog. Like me, Bill is an advocate for greater variety in shoe choice, and his approach on his blog is to poke fun at the status quo in addition to providing the occasional shoe review. […]

How To Avoid Chafing While Running: Nipples, Thighs, and Other Problem Spots

It happens every Spring almost without fail – I’ll be out for a run and I start to feel a bit of discomfort under my shirt and/or between my thighs. If I’m lucky it’ll happen on a short run and the damage will be limited. If I’m unlucky I’ll be 5 miles from home when […]

New Balance 730 Update: 25 Solid Miles of Running

I thought I’d  drag my self from the depths of final book editing to give a quick update on my experience with the New Balance 730 running shoe. A few weeks back I wrote a post describing the New Balance 730 in detail, but at the time I had yet to run in them. I’ve […]

Terra Plana VIVOBAREFOOT Ultra Review: Initial Thoughts

I have a confession to make – I like my Crocs. Mine aren’t the real thing – they’re cheap knockoffs bought for $10 at Target – but for kicking around the yard or walking the dog at night, they really are quite comfortable, and few shoes have as wide a toebox. What’s more, they seem […]

New Trends in the Prevention and Treatment of Running Injury, and a Healthy Dose of Natural Running

Every once in awhile in life you get the feeling that you are part of something big. Something that might really make a difference beyond just the small pool of people that you interact with on a regular basis. That was how I felt as I sat in a darkened conference room at the National […]

Magellan Echo Running Watch + iSmoothRun App Review: A Brilliant Combination

A few months ago my friend Sam stopped by the clinic for a run. Sam and I share a love for experimenting with running shoes, but I discovered that day that we also share a fascination with tech gadgets and iPhone apps. Sam had brought along a new watch that he was playing with, the […]

Running Shoe Review: Saucony Kinvara

This is a somewhat long and unorthodox review, so I’m going to begin with an unorthodox introduction. I remember back in middle school we used to have a police officer come to class and talk to us about the dangers of drug use. One of the things he used to discuss were “gateway drugs” – […]

Nike Sneakerboat II: Potential Minimalist Running Shoe from Nike?

A few months ago I was reading through a thread on the Runner’s World Barefoot Running Forum about a pair of water shoes called the Nike Sneakerboat. I’ve seen water shoes/aqua socks suggested many times as a cheap form of minimalist running shoe (and a minimalist shoe should by definition be inexpensive if there’s less […]