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Links to Shoe Reviews: Altra Lone Peak, Brooks Pure Grit, and Saucony Triumph 9

Since I have not had time to write a review of my own recently, I wanted to steer you to three shoe reviews written by people that I know and whose opinions I respect. All are of shoes that I do not own myself and so no review of my own is forthcoming at this […]

On Human Variability, Running Shoes, and Running Form: The Importance of an Individualized Approach

I open this post with an illustration of the Galapagos Finches and their variable beak anatomy (illustration by John Gould) – my reason is to emphasize a point. As an evolutionary biologist, I’ve spent much of my life studying anatomical variation, and I think it’s sometimes easy to forget that we humans are animals just […]

Barefoot Running Blisters: Interpreting My Pattern and the Importance of the Flexor Hallucis Brevis?

Ever since running with my friends Mark Cucuzzella and Blaise Dubois out in Colorado a few weeks ago, I have been giving another go at a bit of barefoot running. Mark is now running a solid percentage of his weekly his miles fully barefoot (see video below), whereas Blaise supplements his regular training with small […]

Newton Distance Racer Review: Sir Isaac Gets it Right

Let me state openly at the outset of this review that my first experience with a pair of Newton running shoes was not a good one. In winter 2009 I received a pair of Newton Sir Isaac’s – I think this was the first pair of review shoes that I’d ever received – and I […]

Altra Instinct Running Shoe Review: Zero Drop, Foot Shaped, and Cushioned

“The human foot is not to be regarded, as seems almost to be the idea with many, as an incoordinating mass of flesh, bone and gristle which may with impunity be crowded into almost any sort of protective covering to form a fleshy peg, more or less similar to a horse’s hoof, on which to […]

Gait Retraining and the Treatment of Running Injuries

Image by SashaW via Flickr In my previous post I summarized a slice of what was covered at a three-day course called “New Trends in the Prevention of Running Injuries” that I attended last weekend in West Virginia. In addition to discussing what we do and do not know about the causes of running injuries, […]

On the Limitations of Science in the Study of Running

Image via Wikipedia As runners, we often want concrete, black and white answers to questions about things like shoe design, running form, training methods, and so on. Does running in a minimal shoe make you less prone to injury than running in a traditionally cushioned, heel-lifted shoe? Does switching form to a midfoot strike make […]

Proper Shoes for Kids: Thoughts From a Family Doctor

A few months ago I published an interview I conducted with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella. Mark is a family physician at Harpers Ferry Family Medicine in WV, an Associate Professor at West Virginia University School of Medicine, and the owner of Two Rivers (TR) Treads, the nation’s first minimalist-only running store. Like me, Mark has a […]

Forefoot Striking and Pronation: Insight from an Ultrarunning Podiatry Student

Image from the Runner’s World Wiki Just before Christmas I received a very thoughtful and well researched email from ultrarunner Phil Shaw. In addition to being a very successful long distance runner, Phil is also pursuing a doctoral degree in podiatric medicine – quite a dangerous combination! Like me, Phil feels that the current paradigm […]

Runblogger’s Top Running Shoes of 2010

I’ve been contemplating for a few weeks about whether to put together a top shoe of the year list. Part of my hesitation was that I find it hard to rank shoes in numerical order – some are good for some things, others are good for other things, and very few (none?) are good at […]

Gear Review: RecoFit Calf Compression Sleeves and Arm Coolers

Several months ago I posted a review of a pair of Zensah calf compression sleeves that were sent to me to test out. My review was very positive, and in that post I did a brief overview of the science behind how compression garments are supposed to be of benefit to runners. I’m still not […]

Help a Running Researcher – Fill Out Jay Dicharry’s Barefoot Running Survey

Jay Dicharry of the SPEED Clinic at the Center for Endurance Sport, University of Virginia is conducting a survey of barefoot runners and is looking for your help. If you run barefoot as a regular part of your training (doesn’t have to be 100%, or even most of your miles), please consider following this link […]

Make a Difference on Thanksgiving Day: Join the Feed the Turkey Virtual Turkey Trot!

Putting in a few miles out on the roads or trails is a Thanksgiving tradition for many runners. Some of us head out to local Turkey Trots and race with friends and family, and others run a few solitary miles to burn off some calories in preparation for the feast to come later in the […]

New Balance Minimus Road has Arrived

I received a surprise package from the UPS man today – a tester pair of the New Balance Minimus road shoe! I’ve been in touch off and on with a New Balance rep about trying the Minimus out when it was ready, but had indicated only a day or two ago that the New Balance […]

The Variable Running Footstrike: Pictures of Heel, Midfoot, and Forefoot Strikes

Over the past year I have written quite frequently on the topic of footstrike in running. Simply defined, footstrike represents the moment of initial contact of the foot with the ground, and individual footstrikes are typically categorized in the scientific literature (e.g., Hasegawa, 2007) in one of three ways : 1. rear-foot or heel strike, […]