As I reported last week here on Runblogger, I wore the Saucony Kinvara during my BQ race at the Smuttynose Rockfest Marathon. A few people have asked for more detail on how the shoe performed during the race, so I arranged a post by me and a few friends over on the dailymile Community Blog […]
Archives for 2010
New Balance Minimus Trail Shoe – New Pictures
Running Podcast Recommendation: Geeks in Running Shoes
When it comes to running podcasts, I’m more of a pick-and-choose based on topic kind of listener rather than a devotee of a particular show. Lately, however, one show has caught my interest, and I faithfully look forward to listening to the new release each and every week (I think I’ve listened to almost every […]
Review: GoLite Amp Lite Trail Running and Light Hiking Shoe
A few months ago I wrote a post describing a new line of shoes being developed by GoLite footwear. The line from GoLite Footwear features what they call “Baretech technology,” which among other things includes the fact that they have a more anatomical last (the shape of the shoe better matches the foot) and are […]
Review: Hydrapak Softflask Energy Gel Flask
One of the pieces of equipment that I carried with me during the Smuttynose Rockfest Marathon last week was a cool little energy flask made by a company called Hydrapak. Hydrapak makes some innovative stuff, focusing mainly on fueling, hydration systems, and packs, and I previously reviewed their GelBot water/gel bottle combo here on Runblogger. […]
Ultras, Sherpa John, and the Run Across New Hampshire
My two big running goals heading into is year were to qualify for the Boston Marathon and to run an ultramarathon. I managed to check off the former last Sunday (race report can be found here), and the latter should be met next March at the HAT Run 50k in Susquehanna, Maryland. Given this, I […]
Qualifying for Boston at the Smuttynose Rockfest Marathon: My Race Report
Three and a half years ago I was overweight and out-of-shape (see picture at left) – my 190 pound body was far more comfortable sitting on the couch and watching TV than clicking off miles out on the road. Yesterday, however, after burning off about 25 pounds from my 5’10” frame (the right-hand picture to […]
My Hampton Smuttynose Rockfest Marathon Result
BQ 3:15:21 Couldn’t Be Happier!!! Thanks to Everyone for Your Support! Full report coming soon.
New Balance MT101 Trail Shoe Available at Running Warehouse
Just got notification last night that the much anticipated New Balance MT101 trail shoe is now in stock at Running Warehouse (price = $67.50, 2nd day free shipping, plus an additional 10% off if purchased through Runblogger). The MT101 is the successor to the popular MT100, and is one of the lighter trail shoes currently […]
Slow Motion Video of Elite Women at the 5th Avenue Mile Road Race
Steve Magness over at the Science of Running blog has a nice post up analyzing foot strike patterns of elite female runners from the recent 5th Avenue Mile race in New York City based on a high-speed video shot by Niell Elvin. He notes that 11 of the 15 women strike either on the midfoot […]
Freedom’s Run for Kids: Free Shoes Provided by Terra Plana Vivobarefoot
A few weeks ago I interviewed Mark Cucuzzella here on Runblogger. Mark is both a physician and the owner of a minimalist-only running store called TR Treads located in Sheperdstown, WV. In talking with Mark, I have discovered that we share a passion for getting kids active, and for making sure that parents make wise […]
Running With a Leg Length Discrepancy: Help A Fellow Runner
I get quite a few questions about running shoes and running gait via e-mail, some of which I can answer, others which I cannot. I try to be open and honest about my limitations in answering questions, and if a question extends beyond my range of knowledge or experience, I will say so. Such was […]
Running Accessories: Stuffitts, YurBuds, and Rockin’ Refuel Chocolate Milk
I’m beginning to fall behind on my product review obligations, so I thought I’d combine a few into a single post since they are relatively short and easy, and don’t necessarily warrant a full post as do some of my my more in-depth product reviews. In this post I’ll be reviewing three products that were […]
Fearing the Marathon: My Feelings of Self-Doubt
Image via Wikipedia I sit here one week out from running marathon #6 suffering from a very familiar feeling of immense apprehension. Strike that, let’s call it what it is: fear. Truth be told, the marathon scares me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the race, and I love the distance, but the feelings of […]
Changing Running Form – My Journey to the Midfoot
If you’ve been following this blog for the past few months, you’re probably aware that I’ve developed a deep interest in the topic of running form, and have spent a good amount of time working to modify my own form to a shorter, quicker stride with a midfoot landing. Well, after a long process and […]