This post was authored by Peter Larson. Pete is a biology teacher, track/soccer coach, and dad (x3) with a passion for running, soccer, and science. If you'd like to learn a little bit more about who I am and what I do, click here, or visit
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Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone is a Runner
I’m a huge fan of the social networking service Twitter, and I use it almost entirely to connect with other runners. As it turns out, according to this great “I’m A Runner” article in Runner’s World, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone (@biz on Twitter) has recently become a distance runner, and is looking to do a marathon at some point in the future. Here are a few short excerpts – it’s clear that Stone has been bitten by the running bug:
“The reason I really started running was for meditative purposes. I would pick some problem to have in my head while running. Not for the purpose of solving it, but for the purpose of having it bounce around in there. Like when you say you’re going to sleep on it; I’m going to run on it. Then at some point later on, a solution falls out.“
“Even though running is physically straining, it’s mentally refreshing. Especially when you feel like you’ve accomplished something. That’s the other thing about measurement: Wow! That was my longest run. You feel like celebrating, so it’s exciting. Then you get into it more, you know. You start reading about, thinking, I should probably be drinking or eating differently.”
“I got lost, but happily lost. Then I realized I was getting close to 10 miles and was feeling good, and I thought, I should just keep going. I’ll get my Nike Plus chart to go way up. But I told my wife I was only going to be gone a half hour, and so I’m wresting with the idea of continuing. Finally, I decided to go back. When I got home, my wife was like “Where were you? I was going to call the police?” And I said, “You can’t call the police and say, ‘My husband is 45 minutes late.’ They’re not going to listen.‘ ”
I knew there was a reason why I liked Twitter so much – I highly recommend that you check out the entire Runner’s World interview with Biz Stone – it’s a good read.
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