I just read an article over on the Natural Running Center website titled “Why Minimalism Went Flat.” The article, written by Jim Hixson, provides his take on the reasons behind the rise in maximal footwear and the decline in minimal footwear. Since I’m mentioned in the opening paragraph, I thought I’d share some thoughts on […]
Are “Strenuous Joggers” as Likely to Die as Sedentary Individuals?
Last week I took on a media article that equated a glass of wine with an hour at the gym in terms of heath benefits. That article was a case of mangled reporting of scientific research (the lead author even addressed it). This week I’ve seen a number of media articles come out about another […]
Lead Researcher Debunks the Red Wine Equals Exercise Article
Last Friday I wrote a post criticizing an article in My Daily that horrifically misinterpreted a research study on the compound resveratrol and its potential benefits as an exercise supplement. The article equated a glass of red wine to an hour at the gym in terms of health benefits. Unfortunately, there were numerous problems with […]
Article Recommendation: Alex Hutchinson on Choosing the Right Running Shoe
Quick post here to point you to an article by Alex Hutchinson in The Globe and Mail titled “Which running shoe is right for you?” You might know Alex as the author of the the Sweat Science blog at Runner’s World, and he emailed me a few weeks ago for some commentary on the current […]
This Week in Runblogging: June 23 to June 29 2014
This week I reviewed the Asics Gel Lyte33 v3, which is a pretty nice shoe if you like a soft feel and a roomy toebox, though my pair has kind of a lumpy forefoot (seems somewhat variably present based on those who have commented). I also wrote a couple of posts about workouts on the […]
This Week in Runblogging: June 16 to June 22 2014
Lots of shoe info this week. On Monday I posted four preview posts featuring summer 2014 releases from Altra, Newton, New Balance, and Hoka. Some interesting stuff on the way! On Tuesday I reviewed what may be one of the best buys out there right now – the Asics Hyperspeed 6. And Caleb Masland shares […]
This Week in Runblogging: June 9-June 15 2014
I want to take a moment here to thank everyone who commented on or shared the post I wrote about my daughter’s race last week. I spend a lot of time writing about shoes, gear, etc., but every once in awhile I feel compelled to write a post that is both personal and from the […]
This Week in Runblogging: 4/28-5/4
Sometimes you just need to do something a little bit different, and maybe just a bit dumb, in your training. On Thursday I had 8 miles on my schedule, but wound up running three separate times in three different pairs of shoes for a total of almost 16 miles. It resulted from seizing unexpected running […]
Running History: Is This 1885 Article On Shoes and Running the Original Born to Run?
Every once in awhile I like to poke around Google Books for old articles on running. I recently found the article below by W. Mattieu Williams in an 1885 issue of the publication Knowledge – it reads as if it could be an outline for Christopher McDougall’s book Born to Run. In the article, Williams […]
This Week in Runblogging: 4/7 to 4/13 2014
Last week seemed to herald the official arrival of Spring here in New Hampshire. Almost all of the snow has finally melted, the sun has been shining, and the trails have been muddy and wet rather than snowy and icy (great test for the Salomon Sense Pro’s that have been on my feet a lot […]
This Week in Runblogging: 3/31 to 4/6 2014
Had a great week last week! I got lots of writing done, met the beginner 5K group I’m co-coaching this Spring, and ran my first road 5K in over a year yesterday. I’d forgotten how good a hard-effort 5K race can make you feel! I finished second in my age group in the 5K and […]
Greatist: 50 Bloggers Making a Difference in Fitness, Health, and Happiness
I started this blog 4 years ago with no knowledge of how to design a website, no Twitter or Facebook account, and a fear of posting anything with my name attached to it (I started writing anonymously!). Since then, however, I’ve come to feel like this blog is my second home, albeit a virtual one. […]
First 100 Shoes at the NYC Marathon Courtesy of Sneaker Report
A reader (thanks Tom!) just passed me a link to an impressive piece of work posted on Sneaker Report. They put together a photo montage of the first 100 shoes to pass by at yesterday’s New York City Marathon. I tend to be a fan of racing flats, so many of my favorite shoes are […]
The Future of Minimalist Running: Article from SGB Weekly Discusses Brand Perspectives and Provides Some Shoe Sneak Peaks
The most recent issue of SGB Weekly features an interesting article by Thomas Ryan on the future of minimalist running shoes. The article focuses on current trends, and runs through how each manufacturer plans to approach the continually evolving footwear marketplace. The opening paragraphs give a pretty good flavor of what follows: With many runners […]

Running Article Recs: Heat Training, Overtraining, Neuroplasticity, and More!
Last year I started sending out a weekly newsletter with recommended articles from around the web. I stopped producing the newsletter in the Fall because it was sometimes tough to come up with articles on a weekly basis, and I simply ran out of steam trying to keep up with it. I thought I might […]