Now that my book writing is done, I’ve gotten back into some serious training again. As part of my renewed interest in my own training, I’ve recently been reading through Jack Daniels’ Running Formula. I’ve used the book as a reference for quite some time, and have used an MS Excel spreadsheet that uses Daniels […]
Need Help Determining Daniels Running Formula Training Paces?: Try the Free fit2run App
Training Update – The Past 12 Months
Just a quick post to share my training progress over the past year. I’m pretty happy with the way things went through January (January was lower due to recovery from the Disney Marathon and a much needed one-week break from running), but February was a disaster due to two bouts of strep throat. With that […]
NPR Story on the Benefits of Interval Training
I’ve always found interval training to be one of the most beneficial types of workout in my training arsenal. If you’re not familiar with interval training, it’s a workout where you intersperse short bouts of intensive exercise (usually 200 or 400 meters or so for me = 1:00-1:30) with a period of rest (walking or […]
The Run Scout: 3D Flyovers of Race Courses via Google Earth
The Run Scout is a new site that provides 3D flyovers of race courses ranging from Half-Marathons to Ultramarathons. The site, designed by Jim Vernon, is relatively new, so there is not a lot of content yet, but I imagine that will change with time. Currently, course flyovers are available for such notable races as […] | A Great Site for Posting Workouts, Meeting Other Runners, and Getting Motivated to Stay Healthy
Over the past few months I’ve begun to explore the world of social networking full out. For people in my 30-something age range, sites like Facebook and Twitter have suddenly exploded, and it seems like just about everybody I know is on one or the other (I’m now on both – you can view my […]
Running Gear Review: Garmin Forerunner 205/305 GPS Wristwatch
This review of the Garmin Forerunner 205/305 GPS Wristwatch follows up on my review of the Nike+ system (see here). I’ve used both of these systems extensively (> six months of regular use each), and my goal here is to explain why I much prefer the Garmin Forerunner. If you want a personal running computer […]
Running Gear Review: Nike+ Ipod System
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this blog, and much to my wife’s chagrin, I’m a complete gadget junkie. Thus, to my good fortune, my initiation into the world of distance running about two years ago roughly coincided with the appearance on the market of several new high-tech running gadgets: the Garmin Forerunner 205 and 305, […]