Image by Bruce Martin I’m fairly well convinced at this point that runners will do just about anything to get in their miles. With this in mind, I wanted feature the ingenuity (and perhaps slight insanity, but who am I to talk after running 15 miles last weekend in toe shoes?) of a local New […]
JJ Casuals – Shoes that Look Like Feet
Just saw this posted on Iron Brandon’s Blog and had to share here – need to find myself a pair of these! JJ Casuals – watch more funny videos
Race Video: 2010 Krispy Kreme Challenge
This morning saw the 2010 running of the annual Krispy Kreme Challenge in Raleigh NC. For those unfamiliar with it, this race involves running 2 miles to a Krispy Kreme doughnut store, eating 12 doughnuts as fast as possible, then running the two miles back to the starting line. According to the Krispy Kreme Challenge […]
How to Write a Mass Media Article on Barefoot Running
Image via Wikipedia You’ve probably noticed that articles on barefoot and minimalist running are starting to pop up all over the place these days. While I’m happy that the phenomenon is being covered, most of the mass media articles I’ve read follow a sort of boilerplate formula. With that in mind, I’ve decided to make […]
Nike Free Commercial: Bear Butte Running Camp
I’ve been running a bunch in Nike Free 3.0’s lately and came across this Nike commercial for the shoes. This takes miminalist running to a whole new level – have to give Nike credit for pushing the envelope with this ad :)
Running Humor: Running Superfans from Brooks Running
Below are a few funny videos from the Running Superfans website by Brooks Running. You can visit the site for more good stuff here: As a parent of two little ones, the last one is my favorite. Enjoy!
Evolution of Human Running: Pearl Izumi Gets It (Partly)
Just came across the following series of wallpaper downloads on the Pearl Izumi website (you can click on them to make them wallpaper size). They clearly understand why we run, although the people in the cave paintings aren’t wearing cushioned running shoes, and running like an animal would require no shoes at all, wouldn’t it? […]
I’m Addicted to Running Shoes
I have a confession to make – I am completely and utterly addicted to shoes. Not just any kind of shoes, mind you. Fancy work shoes do very little for me. Ditto sandals – I’m perfectly content owning a pair of Tevas, Crocs, or Birks that I can wear until the sole starts to wear […]
Running Humor Courtesy of The Onion
Just a quick post here – I found a couple of running related stories on The Onion that are good for a quick laugh. Click on the links below to check them out: NYC Marathon Winner ‘Just Went Out There And Had FunDeriba Merga Dedicates Boston Marathon Victory To Pit Crew I’m Training To Ruin […]