Just came across the following series of wallpaper downloads on the Pearl Izumi website (you can click on them to make them wallpaper size). They clearly understand why we run, although the people in the cave paintings aren’t wearing cushioned running shoes, and running like an animal would require no shoes at all, wouldn’t it?
These nitpicky little details kind of go against their whole advertising campaign – to run naturally like our barefoot ancestors means to not use the very shoes that Pearl Izumi is trying to sell. What Pearl Izumi needs to do now is put out a minimalist running shoe to compete with the likes of the Vibram Fivefingers and Nike Free – that would give these ads a bit more credibility, and I’d be first in line to try them out. Nonetheless, I still have to give Pearl Izumi credit for these ads – they’re great! For these and more, go to the Pearl Izumi Website.
This is cool. I like the second one.