via designboom
Being both a scientist and a shoe geek, I love learning about the process that goes into the design of running shoes. I’ve been a fan of the Nike Free line since the original Free 3.0, and have run in many models since. With the exception of a few lemons (e.g., Free 3.0 v4), I’ve like almost all of them.
The original idea behind the Nike Free was to create a shoe that simulates running barefoot on grass, and though I’m not sure I’d say that they replicate that experience perfectly, they do have a very different feel than most shoes on the market (super flexible, silent underfoot). One might even argue that the Free was a minimalist shoe before the phrase “minimalist shoe” even existed, and the original Free is a shoe that will be remembered as a milestone in footwear innovation.
I recently came across two videos on the origin of the Nike Free (via Running Warehouse and designboom) and wanted to share them here. Enjoy!
Love the Nike Free series & been a fan since the beginning, too. I am not keen on the v4 either, but have stuck with them anyway (329mi and counting). Would love to read a review (if they send you a pair) on the newer Nike Free 3.0 Flyknit — I mean, look at the forefoot! +_+
link to nike.com
On another note, your shoe reviews are the most comprehensive compared to others that just talk about the external/look of the shoe, rather than actual fit and performance. Keep it up!
Thanks Raciel! You should see some reviews of the new Frees, I’ll be buying a pair or two once they are out.
sorry Peter but i have to disagree. i was an initial big booster up through V3 but V4 was a disaster and not liking the V5, V6. i am into the Skechers GoBionic and GoMeb Speed.
Agree totally on v4, one of the worst shoes I’ve ever worn. But I liked v5.
I really love all of the reviews you post on your blog as well as the other cool informational content like the videos you posted here.
I’m also a big fan of the Nike Free series, and it was fun to learn more about the design and origin!