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Review of Brooks Green Silence Racing Flat

Now that I’m a member of the Brooks I.D. sponsored runner program for 2010, I’ve slowly been building up my collection of Brooks running shoes. I’m a huge fan of the Brooks Launch (you can read my review of the Brooks Launch here), which I rode to an 8:00 PR at the Disney Marathon in […]

Barefoot and Minimalist Running: An Opinion from Marathon Sports

Daniel Lieberman’s (and colleagues) new article about barefoot running in Nature has stirred the pot once again about the pros/cons of minimalist running.  While many of the popular media articles that have come out read similarly, a member of my local running club passed along a newsletter article from Marathon Sports that was quite thoughtful, […]

Runblogger Runcast #8 – Avoiding "The Wall" at the 2010 Disney Marathon

A few weeks ago I ran the 2010 Disney Marathon in a PR time of 3:24:49 (read my Disney Race Report here), and it was the first of my five marathons in which I managed to avoid bonking (check out these split charts from my five marathons). Runblogger Runcast #8 discusses the reasons that I […]

Race Report: 2010 Disney Marathon

It’s still a little difficult for me to wrap my head around what happened to me last weekend.  You see, I’d reached a point of utter frustration with the marathon.  Before Sunday, I’d run four of them, and each one went pretty much the same way – I’d run well early in the race, smack […]

Winter Running – Tips on How to Stay Motivated Despite the Weather

On a day when I ran my final 20 miler in preparation for the Disney Marathon in wind chills equivalent to 4 degrees Fahrenheit, I thought it would be appropriate to put together a post with some advice on how to keep running through the winter. For me, this is the first winter when I […]

Coping With Information Overload in the On-Line World

Image by luc legay via Flickr Let me state at the outset that what follows in this post was inspired by Joel (aka Ted) R. – your Dailymile post this morning was my impetus to write this, and hopefully it will help those who, like us, are trying to navigate through a life filled with […]

Running for Weight Loss – Stories of Personal Transformation

We all have our reasons for why we started to run.  For some of us, it’s the personal challenge of trying to accomplish a goal as seemingly impossible as completing a chosen race, whether it be as small scale as a local 5k or as large scale as a marathon.  For some of us, the […]

Sherpa John and The Run Across New Hampshire

I posted a story a few weeks ago about a NH ultrarunner, Sherpa John (check out his blog here), who was planning to run his second annual Run Across New Hampshire from the westernmost point of the state at the VT border near Brattleboro to the easternmost point in Odiorne State Park in Rye (on […]

Running in Vibram Fivefingers: The Day After

 You know that feeling you get in your muscles after you go to the gym for the first time in months and overdo the weight training? I’m referring to that initial stiffness that prevents you from lifting your arms above your head, which then slowly morphs into burning delayed onset muscle soreness over the next […]

Chirstopher McDougall, Author of Born to Run, on the Daily Show with John Stewart

Christopher Mcdougall, author of the book Born to Run, was on the Daily Show with John Stewart last night. You can watch the interview in its entirety below. If you haven’t read Born to Run yet, you should – it’s a phenomenal book. You can read my review of Born to Run here. The Daily […]

The Perfect Mile: Roger Bannister, John Landy, and One of the Greatest Races of All Time

The final of the one-mile race at the Empire Games in Vancouver, Canada on Aug. 7, 1954 might just be the greatest running race of all time. The race featured two of the titans of middle-distance running, Roger Bannister of England, and John Landy of Australia. Both of these men were world famous runners, both […]

Marathon Tips: Things I Have Learned From Running Two Marathons

Having run only two marathons, I make no claims to be any kind of marathon running expert. However, each of these races has been an incredible learning experience, and here are a few practical things about marathon running that I have learned so far: 1. The saying that a marathon is “equal parts mental and […]

Running with an Ipod: Free Audio to Listen to While Running

Image by Oliver Lavery via Flickr My Ipod Nano is an essential companion on my training runs (I generally don’t use it in races), and I love mixing up what I listen to from day to day. Besides music, I often listen to free podcasts downloaded from Itunes (Phedippidations, Fitness Rocks, This American Life, and […]

Running Gear Review: Jaybird Wireless Bluetooth Headphones for Ipod (JB-200i)

If you’re like me, an Ipod is an essential running accessory. On training runs, I typically listen to music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc. to help pass the time. In the winter, I could not survive on a treadmill without some form of distraction, and the TV in my basement or my laptop set on a shelf […]

Dog Running