Totally non-running (though I do listen to them while I run!), but since this is still a personal blog I’ll take the liberty of going off-topic a bit. If you don’t listen to Mumford and Sons yet, you should – I can’t get enough of them right now!
Running with an Ipod: Free Audio to Listen to While Running
Image by Oliver Lavery via Flickr My Ipod Nano is an essential companion on my training runs (I generally don’t use it in races), and I love mixing up what I listen to from day to day. Besides music, I often listen to free podcasts downloaded from Itunes (Phedippidations, Fitness Rocks, This American Life, and […]
Music Review: The Hazards of Love, by The Decemberists
I’ve become a big fan of The Decemberists over the past few months, having quickly amassed most of their albums in either live form or as downloads from Amazon or Itunes. If you’re not familiar with the band, they’re one of the more unique groups that I’ve listened to in quite some time, in part […]