Biker Nate Crushes the Vermont 100 Endurance Run!

I met Nate Sanel several years ago in a somewhat fitting setting – he was running across the state of New Hampshire with his friend Sherpa John Lacroix. At the time I’d never run with an ultrarunner before, and the concept of running longer than a marathon seemed a bit crazy to me. John and […]

A Week of Running and Adventure in VT

My posting has been light this past week because I’ve been somewhat off-the-grid in the Northeast Kingdom of VT. I spent the week coaching and presenting on exercise physiology, shoes, form, etc. at the Craftsbury Marathon Camp (for adults) and had an absolute blast – much more to come on this experience in the coming […]

Another Great Running Comic from The Oatmeal

Just came across a link to another great comic about running at The Oatmeal, check it out here:

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Topo Athletic Shoes Now Available – Will the Split-Toe Shoe Succeed?

I just received an email from City Sports announcing that Topo Athletic’s new line of split toe shoes are now in-stock. Topo is the company that was formed by Tony Post after he left Vibram, and the line consists of three different models: one for running, one for racing, and one for the gym: Topo […]

Under Armour Speedform Running Shoe Review

I was at a store called Reny’s in Bridgton, Maine last week when an older woman, probably in her 80’s, walked up to me with a big smile on her face and her finger aimed at my shoes. “You’re making a statement in those!” she said, chuckling as she proceeded on past me down the […]

I want these adidas shoes…!!!!

Boost? No. Springblade? Another no. (though they did send me pairs of both) adidas may be undertaking a media blitz for their high-tech new releases, but earlier today I happened to notice that they’ve quietly come out with a sequel to one of my favorite shoes from the past few years – the adidas adipure […]

Dirty Runner: Altra Lone Peak 1.5 Review

A short time ago I received this comment posted (anonymously) on my blog about which shoe I was going to use for the MMT100: “Why is the Lone Peak 1.5 your “weapon of choice”?. The company’s customer service told me it’s not functionally different than the original, which you seemed to pretty much trash in […]

Best Low-Drop Ultramarathon Shoes: Recommendations From Nate Sanel

My perfect trail shoe would be one with a minimal upper that fits like a glove over the forefoot, a wide toe box, excellent drainage, great grip, a soft ride, 0-4mm heel/forefoot differential, and enough cushioning to run 100 miles. When talking about shoes for an ultra, I think that it’s important to distinguish what […]

Best Race Report Ever via The Oatmeal!

You may know Matthew Inman as a cartoonist who writes sometimes scathing, sometimes geeky, and often hysterical comics over at the popular site The Oatmeal. What I didn’t realize until last night is that Inman is also a pretty adept runner. I was searching for posts about ultramarathon shoes and came across a race report […]