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If You Run With a Dog, Watch This!

My most frequent running partner is a black lab named Jack. He loves to run. Our mileage together has been slowly creeping back up over the past few weeks, and just as happens to me, his craving for the run seems to grow the more frequently he gets out. The moment I grab a pair of shoes this is what I have to face:

Jack Run

“I know what you’re about to do.”

My sister just sent me a link to a video of another dog who likes to run. Check it out – videos like this can’t help but make me smile!

Bryan and Kaia from Foxwood Films on Vimeo.

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About Peter Larson

This post was authored by Peter Larson. Pete is a biology teacher, track/soccer coach, and dad (x3) with a passion for running, soccer, and science. If you'd like to learn a little bit more about who I am and what I do, click here, or visit


  1. I used to run with my dog too. He was a bit old but he loves running with me everyday. I missed that old pal.

  2. Marius Bakken says:

    Dear Peter,

    I’m a Norwegian two-time Olympic runner (13.06 5k back in ’04) as well as an MD.

    I have been following your blog for a good while and want you to know that I’ve added you to a list of the Top 100 Running Blogs for 2014! You are there, and deservedly so, in spot # 1 :)

    link to

    My blog is quite new but I try to share quality, inspirational posts with my readers.

    Keep up the wonderful work.

    Kind regards,
    Marius Bakken

    • Thanks Marius, really appreciate that!

      • Marius Bakken says:


        I’ve read your writing + published article on foot strike and I know this is something that is debated among runners (on pretty much all levels) : is is really possible to alter, the influence of it etc. I wonder, would be you be interested in doing a guest post on my site on a topic like that ? Something like “10 facts on foot strike and how you can use it to become a better runner”. I would love seeing that. I have an email list of about 10k runners that receives blog updates and hopefully it could be a nice way to promote both Runblogger + your book.

        all the best,

  3. that video is great!
    My children dream about owing a border collie – I will be showing them this by way of compromise!

    (I like the idea of a dog to run with, but less so the general ownership! I need to find a dog loan company or something!)

  4. I hardly ever run without my dog! The only way to get him somewhat enthusiastic about getting out of bed in the morning is to show him the running gear. Have you tried canicrossing? If the dog enjoys pulling, it’s ridiculously fun.

  5. Wow, what a great video, thanks for sharing! My two running partners are a Rottweiler (small & lean for a Rott though, only 75 lbs) and I’m just breaking in the new one, a mixed Coonhound/Blue Heeler.

  6. I run canicross style whenever I can (weather is cool enough, trails are still runnable). My main running partner for the last 6 years has been a little samoyed female (did not make my wife’s sled team but worked great for me). She is getting a little old (the dog, not my wife :) ) for it but still gets super excited when I appear in running gear. I have been working with a couple of her kids and they are a blast. So much more exciting to run with a dog than solo (especially if jackrabbits or deer make an appearance). Of course, they convert to skijor dogs if there is good snow (assuming they are not running with my wife’s team)

  7. Keith Tyger says:

    Wow, That dog has rockets! He smoked him. I like how the dog even waits for him to catch up and in the slow motion over the log he did not even jump, he simply twisted his legs up towards the side and glided over. He also had better lines through the S-bends than the biker. Hopefully the guy on the bike is paying attention. The dog is taking him to school.
    Thanks for sharing Pete!

  8. LOVE THIS!!!

  9. My dog, Cane, is my running partner and he goes crazy when he sees me get my hair tie or my shoes! As a Husky, he loves running as much as I do. I hardly ever run without my dog now! Thanks for sharing this video!

  10. Hi Peter!

    Your dog, Jack is really cute. I actually do have a dog like that. Her name is Janet. I also used to run with a dog. And also, thanks for sharing the video :)

  11. Awww I want a dog now

  12. Yep, my Border Collie even looks like that one. So much energy!

  13. That is a great video! Thanks for sharing Pete :-)

    I’d love to run with my dog but as he was an older rescue dog his general walking and command training is taking a while and every time we try to run at the minute he thinks it’s a game to jump up at me and grab the lead. We’ll get there with inspiration from videos like this one!

    • I trained Jack to run by my side using a Gentle Leader: link to

      It’s not a muzzle, but when they pull or tug it controls their head more than just tugging on the neck. Worked great as he was a big time puller.

      He still has his moments when he spies a cat or squirrel or piece of food on the side of the road, but most of the time now he’s content to run by my side.

  14. Now that’s how to run barefoot. Unfortunately it may take four legs.

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  1. […] você tem um cachorro e gosta de correr com ele às vezes, a visita a esse link é obrigatória. Se você gosta de um visual bucólico e lindo, veja! E se você apenas gosta de cachorro, veja […]

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