Earlier today I read a great Copyblogger interview with Matt Frazier of the No Meat Athlete blog.
Since I’ve written a bunch lately about my decision to pursue blogging as a bigger part of my own future, I thought I’d share the link to Matt’s interview here since so much of what he has to say matches my own experience. For example, we both started blogging in 2009, we both write about running, we both obsessively researched the art of blogging when we started, and it seems reading Seth Godin’s book “Tribes” influenced both of us to veer off our more traditional career paths into a future where we have more freedom and more control over what we do with our time.
I particularly liked Matt’s answer to the following question:
Why do you think you became an independent business owner and blogger, when most people just stick with the career they have, even if it’s unsatisfying? What’s different about you?
“Change — especially starting something and calling it yours — feels risky and scary. We’re wired to avoid it. Seth Godin teaches us now that what’s really risky is choosing not to start your own gig, or making the choice not to become essential in your job. But I think for most people, that’s hard to accept on a gut level, even if you believe it intellectually.
The difference for me is that the thought of spending the better part of my life doing work that doesn’t matter to me and for somebody else truly does terrify me at a deep level — way more than the choice to work for myself does (which has its moments).”
Well said Matt, I couldn’t agree more. The the ability to be my own boss and throw the bulk of my effort into pursuits that I feel are important were major driving factors in my own decision-making process to leave my day job.
You can read the full interview over at Copyblogger (a great site for those looking for tips on blogging professionally): http://www.copyblogger.com/case-study-matt-frazier/
You can follow Matt’s blog over at http://www.nomeatathlete.com/.
Really appreciate your posting this, Peter. As I look at your own story of deciding to pursue blogging (along with other running-related ventures), I see that your decision is a lot tougher than mine was! I only had to leave grad school (something I could do in phases, from full-time to part-time), not a tenured professor position! But the reasons are the same, of course.
Congratulations on making the decision do what you love. Let me know if you want to trade guest posts or chat anytime … I love talking about this stuff!
Thanks Matt, I’ll definitely be in touch.
Pete Larson’s Web Links:
-My book: Tread Lightly: link to ow.ly
-Blog: https://runblogger.com
-Twitter: link to twitter.com
-Facebook Page: link to facebook.com…
-Discussion Forum: https://runblogger.com/forum
I suppose that great minds think alike, boys ;)
Since I am a vegetarian, minimalist runner, both of your blogs serves to inspire and push me further as a runner. Next goal: Ultra distances! Good to have you here (almost) full time soon, Pete!
I like that the related vegan post I see on this post is accompanied by a giant red Fart Alert button. :)
That would be the likely result for me if I tried to go vegan :)
Pete Larson’s Web Links:
-My book: Tread Lightly: link to ow.ly
-Blog: https://runblogger.com
-Twitter: link to twitter.com
-Facebook Page: link to facebook.com…
-Discussion Forum: https://runblogger.com/forum
It makes me happy that other independent running bloggers are finding success and making a living out of this. In addition to me and Matt, you have folks like Bryon at IRunFar, Jason at Strength Running, etc. Thanks for supporting us Christian!
Pete Larson’s Web Links:
-My book: Tread Lightly: link to ow.ly
-Blog: https://runblogger.com
-Twitter: link to twitter.com
-Facebook Page: link to facebook.com…
-Discussion Forum: https://runblogger.com/forum
I have been reading both Runblogger and No Meat Athlete for a couple of years now. It is good to see that you guys “found” each other. I see a lot of similarities in your sites, such as positivity, not talking down to your readers, fact-based analyses, and striving to keep things fresh and interesting.
I look forward to more great posts on both sites!
Positivity is something I strive for, I hate the petty bickering that occurs on a lot of sites and forums, particularly when it comes to footwear debates :)
Pete Larson’s Web Links:
-My book: Tread Lightly: link to ow.ly
-Blog: https://runblogger.com
-Twitter: link to twitter.com
-Facebook Page: link to facebook.com…
-Discussion Forum: https://runblogger.com/forum