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Skechers GOrun Review: A Second (Positive) Opinion

Melodie Running If you’ve read my recent review of the Skechers GOrun, you’ll note that I was somewhat surprised by how much I liked running in the shoe despite the somewhat awkward feel that you get when simply standing in them. I’d still prefer that the shoe not have as pronounced a “bump” under the midfoot, but that is my only serious complaint – this could be a great shoe with a few minor tweaks.

Given the somewhat unusual geometry of the sole of the GOrun, I was curious to get a second opinion, so I asked my friend Melodie (photo at left, in Altra Intuitions) if she would be willing to give them a try and report back. My reason for asking Melodie is because she has had a long-term bout with plantar fasciitis, and one of the things I noticed about the shoe is that it does not irritate my feet as much as some other cushioned shoes do – I suspect it may have something to do with the pressure that the bump applies to the front of the heel during stance (however, I have a reduced bump prototype that feels good as well…). Mel is a Boston qualifier and a high mileage runner, so I figured she’d be an ideal candidate to put them through the ringer.

Skechers Go Run BlackI had my contact at Skechers send Melodie a pair of GORun’s, and here the report she sent me after her first run in them:

“I went sockless in them.  Absolutely NO RUBBING or irritation. 

I have very high arches, and PF in both feet.  With the left foot being the one that is really angry right now.  Right foot is at bay.

I liked the way the built up middle pushed against my arch when I ran.  It really took a lot of pressure off the heel.  I’m not a heel striker.  But somehow, it took pressure off, maybe by eliminating some overstretching of the connective tissue?  It seemed to roll and massage the arch (where the PF is stretching from the heel forward).

Don’t know what will come of it.  But out on my first run, 5 miles, initial thought is they are very light, very comfortable, stretchy, no rubbing, no pains…so far, so good.  Lets see how durable they are!  :)

Thumbs up after first run!”

Melodie has since gone on to wear the GOruns for a few more weeks (in socks for the remaining runs), and wrote up a more detailed report:

After several 5-mile runs, speed training, a half-marathon (she set a PR), and multiple cross-training classes, I have come to appreciate several features of the Skechers GOrun. They are extremely flexible, allowing a natural movement in any task. The light weight and flexibility reminds me of a “Nike Free” type experience.

The design of the GOrun provides for a more natural stride. The mid-foot section of the sole is thicker and rounder than normal, encouraging a mid-foot strike versus a heel strike. The mid-sole build-up is not as exaggerated as the Skechers’ “Shape-Up”, which gives that shoe an awkward appearance, in my opinion. The GOrun is slightly rounded at rest but flattens when worn.

I have very high arches and plantar fasciitis (PF) in both feet, and the GOrun provides ample support for me. In fact, the support feels very good as I run. The mid-foot rise gently pushes into my arch and feels like a gentle, rolling massage. I’m not saying you will feel the same, but with my high arches and PF, that’s what I felt.

I find that I am reaching for my GOruns when my PF is hurting and I am heading out for a 5 mile run or a workout. My feet do not ache after a run and I set a personal half-marathon record in my GOruns. So if you are in the market for a lightweight, minimal shoe, the GOrun by Skechers is an excellent option. They have claimed a place in my shoe rotation. Can you believe that? Skechers!

Like Melodie, I have continued to run in the GORuns, and I have continued to have a positive experience. I just ran a few miles in a flatter prototype pair yesterday, and they are making progress – performance running is a new area for the company. I should note that I am receiving nothing from Skechers other than a few pairs of tweaked shoes to try out in exchange for some feedback (essentially a wear testing arrangement). My only interests are in trying to get better shoes on the market, and a hope that I can get them to make a flat kid’s version.  Like the company or not, the GORun is a surprisingly decent shoe.

(UPDATE Dec. 2012: With a new update to the GoRun now out, the original Skechers GoRun can be purchased for as little as $36 at The GoRun 2 will be reviewed soon here on Runblogger)

The Skechers GoRun is available for sale at Zappos.

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About Peter Larson

This post was authored by Peter Larson. Pete is a biology teacher, track/soccer coach, and dad (x3) with a passion for running, soccer, and science. If you'd like to learn a little bit more about who I am and what I do, click here, or visit


  1. Solamente Dave says:

    I am floored that Skechers is making a quality shoe. I’m also intrigued and would love to try them out. 

    I think that Skechers is going to be facing what Hyundai is currently dealing with (and overcoming); the perception that they just make cheap, low quality products. But, if they consistently put out quality products, then the market will come to them. 

    However, Hyundai has made improvements across their entire product line. Unless Skechers supports the GORun with an equally improved product line, gains in the true runner market will not hold if they just offer the one halo shoe and the rest of their line is still crap. 

    • Pete Larson says:

      I agree with this – a company needs more than just one decent shoe to build its reputation.

      • hello Mr. Larson. I’m curious to know how this shoe holds up with overpronators, underpronators, flat feet (and almost flat feet) and runners in the 180 lbs ballpark. Looking forward to your report on this shoe after the first few hundred kms. Any comparisons with the old Nike Air Presto?

  2. Skechers? Whodda thunk that? 
    As far Melodie’s PF, this is hands down the best I have found:

    link to

  3. I’m glad that Skechers is continuing to improve the shoe, and hopefully will broaden the line as well. I’ve done 4 or five runs in mine (5-6 mile neighborhood), and have nothing bad to say about them. I think they’ve made a good hit with these, and look forward to what they have in store for the future. And I’d LOVE to wear test for them…

    I’ve made a few blog entries myself, including a little comparison of Meb’s shoes from the New York Marathon to the currently available model.

  4. Alex Beecher says:

    It seems to me that the Nike Free 3.0 offers the same benefits, without the awkward arch bump and rocker shape. But I haven’t run in the Sketchers. Am I way off here? It seems both are light, flexible, cushy, and somewhat curved.

    • Pete Larson says:

      Skechers is far roomier in comparison to the Nike Free 3.0, and the undercut heel does really limit contact on the rear portion of the shoe.

      • Alex Beecher says:

        Thanks. No one around me carries the Sketchers, and the two seemed somewhat similar at first glance. The V.3 of the 3.0 appears thicker under the back part of the arch, like the Brooks Pure line and GoRun appear to be.

  5. Scott Douglas says:

    Skechers: I like ’em so far. Other than the weird feeling when you’re not running and the stares the garish orange draws, they stay out of the way and let me do my thing.

    Melodie’s PF: Towel exercises. link to

  6. Surfing_vol says:


    Are you running in the prototypes or the model that civilians can buy?

    • Pete Larson says:


      • Surfing_vol says:

        If you like the prototype better, why are you running in both?  I’m curious if you would spend your own money buying a pair of the publicly-available Skechers GOrun or if you would wait for the new models to hit the stores.

        • Pete Larson says:

          For comparative purposes. Haven’t put in enough miles in the new one to get a good feel yet. Personally, I would wait for a flatter model to come out before I bought it myself, but individual results will vary as always.
          Sent from my iPad

  7. Marcus Forman says:

    I think I might have to give these a try actually.  I love being a contrarian and I think they might be the perfect fit given my stride.  80 bucks though? . . . 

  8. Daytripper1021 says:

    For PF, the towel exercises done regularly really helped. PF occured when I was transitioning (albeit too soon) with my VFF Vikilas and Brooks Green Silence last March.

    PF is gone and I’m loving both shoes now.

  9. Bigblackjack12 says:

    Great article! I am a young runner that has just started to create a blog on running tips and experiences, and i would appreciate it if you could all go to my website and give some feedback. Keep in mind i just started it, and dont have a lot of content (yet).

    Athletic Running

    • Girouxstacey says:

      I hope you keep going with your blog, looks promising, however, it’s riddled with spelling/punctuation errors….kind of a turn off. I don’t mean to be a downer, I’m certainly not doing anything ambitious like writing a blog, but I think those errors might be the proverbial cover of the book by which people will judge you. Keep going!

  10. Mptwindsock says:

    Melodie’s PF-try a book called “Pain Free” by Pete Egoscue.  In the section on foot pain I believe he addresses PF

  11. Adam Fillman says:

    hey PETE!

    thought you might like to see these little toe treats..  link to
    Im living in Japan and just hooked my feet up with a pair of these beauts.  Lots of beach running, to soft trail, great alternative for those of us who don’t like the feeling of our toes split apart. 

    MAN Im stoked to get a pair of the Merrell road glove, love your review, love your blog, love running.  Thanks for all the time and research you spend keeping this blog flowing.


  12. wojtek1425 says:

    Very easy solution for PF – Foot Wheel from RPI, the maker of the massage Stick. Get the cast iron version as it acts also as Cryotherapy when taken out of the freezer.

  13. For me jogging is the exercise. And I love doing this this with my favorite rubber shoes. This is so interesting  because I see all of my favorite shoes.

  14. Hey Pete, awesome reviews as usual.  I have a question.  Being a newbie runner – less than a year – and a clydesdale with fallen arches, do you think these GOruns would be good for my feet?  I currently run in the Saucony Kinvara’s and am looking for something with a little more cushion.  Thanks again & keep up the great work.

    • Pete Larson says:

      I would not say that they have more cushion than the Kinvaras, so hard to say. Worth a try maybe, and the other option might be the Brooks Pure Flow.

  15. I hadn’t even known about this shoe but your review makes me want to try it out. Great post!

  16. Pete,

    New follower of yours. Shoe reviews and posts on running mechanics second to none. Hope you don’t mind me putting you on my blog as one of the blogs I follow.

    Keep up the good work! You should get a commission from Skechers – might be stopping to pick up a pair soon as my foot sounds as if it resembles yours.

    Keep up your (always) great work and look forward to more posts!

    DJ Roosh

  17. Patrickbateman321 says:

    Looks like I will give them a try also.  Currently running in Nike Zoom Strek XC3, but increasing milage so may want a shoe with MORE cushion.

    I’m happy to say I’ve COMPLETELY SOLVED MY PF PROBLEM – takes 12 minutes a day.  Before you get up in the morning!!!  Bend your knee 90 degrees and use a theraband to pull the ball of your foot toward your knee.  Wrap the theraband around your knee and tie it off.  Wait 4 minutes.  Do the same to the opposite foot.  Then do 2 minutes on each foot.  IMPORTANT: don’t get out of bed until you do this.  I know it’s not practial if you have to take a leak, so just get a jug and pee in that so you can stretch before you get up.  Gross?  Really?  Are you a runner or not!?!?!  Well do you want to get better?  Then just do it.  DO NOT GET UP UNTIL YOU STRETCH.

    If you have PF really bad, stretch longer.  At one point, I’d go 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 5 minutes.  Use the weakest theraband.  No need for the grey or black one.  Much better than a towel  because it applies constant, gently pressure.  I also just tried the towel or cranking on my foot with my hand – too much force and you can actually get turf toe.  So use the theraband.

  18. How are these for a light treadmill runner, but also walks all day long for work? I’m primarily interested in the feel of the latter. On my feet for 10+ hours & prefer a minimalist athletic shoe but the Nike make my feet ache when I stop and stand still for more than 10 mins.

    • Pete Larson says:

      Because of the midfoot bump I would not recommend them for all day wear. They feel good on the run, but not so great for walking around.

    • Flaming June says:

      I just bought a pair of “Go Walk” Skechers in Canada a couple of weeks ago.  I have been wearing them non-stop since: in the house, outside, on the plane.  They weigh less than four ounces and I am loathe to put on any other shoes now.  I have very sensitive feet and tend to get blisters with new shoes, even when I wear socks.  These shoes feel like old friends and I wish I had  bought more than one pair.  For  being on your feet all day, these “Go Walk” Skechers are the best.  I give them a ten out of ten!  And, no, I am not a Skechers employee. 

  19. Aklmiller says:

    PF remedy.  Active Release Therapy.  Had PF BAD until two sessions of ART with a skilled therapist, have been running 10-13 miles six days a week since then without ANY pain.  Believe it or not, he focused on my calves – hurt like heck but SOOOOO worth it in retrospect.  Could hardly walk for two days, then it released and have been good for over a year.  Still going strong…..

  20. I purchased these shoes the day they were released in the few stores across the country. I intended to buy a pair of the lesser sole shape-ups. My originals are fantastic for the pf (no pressure on the heels), circulation and posture…not to mention ive been told its picked up the booty.

    I love my goruns! I also have suffered from pf. Too many years wearing 3+ inch heels i guess. I do the stretches with a rope. At the ball of my foot, pull back towards you. Then from my arch.

  21. Johnotarres says:

    read your first article and it was good reading. good job.  I just want to add that I too had PF for almost two years: what a nightmare it was. Tried all kinds of medicines and massages. It went away eventually within two weeks when I tried the yoga one legged stance which effectively strengthens and stretches the affected part. Hope this can work for Melodie also. Thanks :}

    •  Could you point to a website that might have more info on the one legged stance? I have PF right now(6 months and going strong) and am interested in trying this.

  22. Hey Melodie–I have very mild PF as well, shown by the mild tingling in my left heel. I would recommend standing with your arch on a tennis ball. It alleviates the pain for the moment and helped the tingling go away for a few days.

  23. Jack McPheron says:

    If you’re looking for an opposing opinion that highlights the good and bad I wrote one as well:

    Skechers GoRun: The Bloody Honest Review


    Lately Skechers has been abuzz with their new shoe, the
    GoRun. The GoRun is a minimalist shoe designed to compete with shoes like the
    Nike Free, Brooks Green Silence, and other similar shoes. The shoe is priced at
    $80, which puts it in the same ballpark as the aforementioned shoes. GoRun has
    been picking up momentum especially since signing US Olympic Marathoner elite,
    Meb Keflezighi. It is also rumored that Kara Goucher may be joining the
    movement as well but when I asked store sales reps, they simply said “no
    comment” with a smile.


    Given that Skechers headquarters is in my town of Manhattan
    Beach, California and with all the buzz that had been happening, I decided I
    would give these shoes a go. After work one night, I stopped by their store in
    Manhattan Beach. The sales reps that greeted me were very kind and knew a lot
    about their product. They both used the GoRun for their own running and spoke
    very highly of them though this is not unsurprising. When I first tried them on,
    they were quite comfortable though the bump in the middle of the shoe was
    certainly noticeable. I did a few striders with the shoe and they felt good
    enough to give a full test ride and review.


    I got home with my new purchase and extracted my GoRuns from
    their flashy box. The box was covered in Skechers propaganda, which sung the
    praises of a mid-foot strike though it didn’t really provide any scientific
    reasoning. It pretty much depicted that the GoRun was better than normal
    running shoes and barefoot running shoes, because Skechers said so. The small
    booklet provided no further explanation either.


    At this point I was ready to strap ‘em on and give ‘em a go.
    I must say that I felt dirty and like I was cheating on Brooks. I have run in
    32 pairs of Adrenalines the past 4 years or so. Regardless, I put them on
    without any socks (as recommended by the box) and headed out the door. The
    first mile or so felt pretty good. The shoe had a decent amount of support for
    a minimalist shoe and the mid-foot strike felt pretty good. The first mile
    clicked off and it was slow, very slow. The rep in the store had said one of
    the main benefits of the shoe was a shorter stride and increased leg turnover.
    This was one of my red flags as this usually speaks “track” to me.


    I continued on my run and began clicking off the miles. They
    continued to be slow by about 45 seconds off my normal pace. I know that a shoe
    that changes my stride would more than likely affect my times, but in my
    opinion this was a bit drastic for me. As the run continued, I noticed a lot of
    movement up in the toe box and also started feeling some pain on the top of my
    foot and along the arch. Around mile 5 I looked down and thought I noticed some
    red on my new yellow GoRuns. I slowed up at the next available streetlight to
    investigate. The shoes (and lack of socks) had caused my feet to blister/cut
    open and begin bleeding on to the toe box and side of the shoe. I attempted to
    adjust my lace tightness/tying but it was to no avail. I trudged the last 1.5
    miles home and could not wait to get the shoes off. When I did remove the shoe
    I found my feet had 5 new bloody blisters covering them and annoying pain to go
    with the blisters.


    Despite my overall poor experience with the shoe, I do
    believe that Skechers could possibly be on the right path. They are making an
    honest attempt to try to enter the running shoe market and have made somewhat
    of a splash. I will not be using these shoes for my daily training, though they
    may see some action for my track workouts. Needless to say, I hopped online
    today and bought two more pairs of my trusty Brooks Adrenalines.


    My advice to Skechers: Focus on what your target market
    really is. There is no conclusive research that suggests one type of foot
    strike is better than another. Every runner is different and by trying to force
    the mid-foot strike down the running community’s throat, you are not doing
    yourself any favors. Also, modify your shoebox to at least have evidence behind
    your claim. Simply saying “we’re Skechers and we’re right, look at our
    self-made diagram that says so” will not cut it. Target this shoe to mid-foot
    runners as opposed to trying to convert all runners to mid-foot strike. I
    believe doing so will evoke a more positive response and reviews. In your next
    shoe designs, create shoes that will accommodate more of the running community
    as opposed to trying to change them. People hate change, especially runners.



    Attractive looking shoe that is differentiated
    from Skechers typical shoe that looks very “grade-school”.

    Track bag, shoe bag, and laces that come with
    the shoes.

    Appropriately priced for minimalist shoe market.

    A nice attempt at entering the running shoe



    Socks should probably be worn at least until the
    shoe is broken in, bloody feet aren’t fun for anyone.

    The shoe bends at odd angles that caused

    Lack of evidence on the shoebox to back up

    Too much room for “play” in the toebox.


    I hope you enjoyed the review.


    Always in Stride,


    Jack (


    Quick About: Jack McPheron is a marathoner and triathlete
    living in Manhattan Beach, California. He has been running for 12 years and has
    raced Boston, New York, and Steamtown Marathons. He writes a motivational blog
    and does freelance articles/reviews. Feel free to email him at with freelance
    opportunities or questions.


    Head over to the motivated runner if you’re looking for
    motivation for running/life and there is also a 300+ running song list with
    iTunes links!

    • Pete Larson says:

      Two questions:

      Have you tried running in them with socks? I had blister issues in this shoe as well, but socks alleviated the problem. Seems your main issue was the blistering, which could be easily resolved.
      Does Brooks put scientific evidence on the Adrenaline box supporting their design and the type of stride that they encourage?

      • themotivatedrunner’s article is the perfect example why people should never ever, EVER go sockless on trying out newly-bought shoes for the first time

  24. Johnny Phoenix says:

    I found a nice trick for redcing PF pain.  I cut a small rectangle in the heel area of my shoes.  That reduced pressure on the nerve where the PF attached to the heel.  After a few runs one doesn’t even feel the difference.  Within a few days my PF is greatly reduced.  Please let me know how you make out with this trick.

  25. For PF, I freeze a bottle of water and roll my heel on it. And then stretch it. It helps a lot

  26. I am 40 yr old with some back problems as well as a bunion.  I wonder how these shoes do for support and shock absorption.  If anyone has tried these with my similar issue let me know.  I want to  get back into running and have about 20lbs to loose.

  27. Greatly appreciate your review and Melodie’s.  I also suffer chronic PF.  I’ve tried everything including 5 months of Graston treatments (water boarding has nothing on Graston).  Nothing has really helped.  Your reviews convinced me to try the Skechers.  I just did 3 miles on a treadmill (which is usually harder on my feet than asphalt).  My feet actually feel better now than before I started.  No pain at all.  Can’t wait to give them an extended road test.  Thanks!

  28. I am a new runner training for my first 5k in May.  I have a very high arch and have found regular Skechers shoes and sandals very comfortable because they have good support.  I love the idea of running without socks too (new for me!).  I am definitely going to give the goRuns a try after reading this review.  Thanks.

  29. After reading your 1st review a couple of months ago, I went out and bought a pair. I love them! Since I am “transitioning” to more of a minimal shoe, I am having to rotate them in to my training regimen. I originally bought the black ones but wanted the red (which they don’t make for women). I ended up buying the mens and liked the wider toe box so much that I exchanged the black ones for mens as well. I highly recommend that women consider the mens if you prefer a roomier toe box, especially if you have issues such as bunions. I wish they made the wider width in ALL the womens colors. I will say that if you rack up a lot of milage, I doubt this shoe will last very long considering the soft sole. I just ran a half marathon in mine a couple weeks ago after putting only about 40 miles on them and already noticed some slight wearing down of the sole. However, I do love these shoes and would recommend them as well. I plan on getting a couple more pairs because I LOVE all the great colors! And hey, lets face it, I’m a girl, its important that my shoes match my running outfits. HA! 

    • Pete Larson says:

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts Angie – Skechers has a number of additional shoes in this line coming, some nice stuff!

  30. Oh, I did forget to mention in my comment below that, although my overall experience was positive in the Go Runs, one thing I did NOT like was the “seam” where the tongue is attached that lays across the top of the foot. I have bone spurs (i think) across the tops of of my feet right where the seam lays and the seam does begin to irritate during a longer run. This is even after I have laced the shoes so that the laces do not put any added pressure there. I wish there was another way to sow the tongue in place without the seam.

  31. Ted from the Philippines says:

    I’m 57 years old and am flatfooted.For my daily exercise, I would do a “wimpy jog” (i.e., more like a walk) for about 4km which used to take me from 45 minutes to an hour,mainly because my feet and my right knee would experience some pain,which slowed me down. So I thought my shoes (Nike) might be part of my problem. I was intrigued by the Skechers GoRun so I read your review,and got myself a pair. Now, I’ve been really running! Like you said the “bump” in mid-sole feels awkward at first,but when I’m in cruise control,I don’t feel it anymore. Best of all, I’ve cut my time now to 30 minutes, and I don’t feel any pain!

  32. I have worn my go runs twice now, and have noticed an ache in the knees. I feel like my foot is hitting the ground harder. Not keen to use again and do any damage.

  33. Deutche Atil Mark Monta says:

    So far, Skechers GOrun is the best!

    link to

  34. GOrun is great for running, and running only. It feels very light, and its contour contributes to the momentum of moving forward. I like it a lot for my running.

    That being said, it’s HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED if you’re going to wear it for an extended period of standing without running. I wore it for one of my company roadshows, and stood for 7 hours for 2 days consecutively and it made my legs hurt (not painful hurt, but tolerable, sprain-like hurt) that lasts for more than 2 days now. I’ve never experienced this in my past roadshows when I used to wear normal, flat-bottom sneakers.

    So it’s really important to know what to wear based on the correct occasion. GOrun is made specifically for running, and thus running is what it should be used for. :)

  35. Dave Flett says:

    I love the go-runs. I have also had trouble in the past with general aches after runs, and plantar faciatits. I am now running 3 and 4 mile runs, mostly on treadmills,regularly wearing the go- runs, with no pains or problems so far, after about 70 miles of use. Very comfortable running shoe. I just hope they don’t discontinue them, or that other manufacturers copy the mid-foot Support.

  36. Skittles says:

    I agree 100%!!!! I picked up a pair because they were on sale and I’m trying to be better with my money. (I had a gift card, so little out of pocket cost for me, Yeah!!! ) My first run was GREAT!!! With other shoes my feet would ache after the first few miles and by the time I was finished I would just be ready to get off my feet! I’ve made several runs in my shoes from 1-5 miles and each time my feet feel good at the end! I too have had issues with PF, but have no pain after running! I’ve been running for over 25 years and these are by far the BEST RUNNING SHOES I’ve ever owned!!! I may never buy anything else.

  37. I just came from a 6.8 mile run and i have to say the shoes were great light weight, flexible, soft i was very surprised. I have never liked skechers but this shoe is definetly a step in the right direction (no pun intended). although i felt some discomfort at the beginning since im a horrible heel stricker i guess the change in strick might have been it but after awhile I totally forgot about it; didnt feel a thing. :)

  38. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all of the PF advice. I was able to use some of it and it’s helped with my recovery (8 months!). Just wanted to add my 2 cents for anyone who might stumble across these comments that are based on my experiences with PF:

    I was able to heal quickly from my first bout 2 summers ago by resting and stretching when I ended up with PF in my left foot. The second time around has proved to be extremely frustrating and nearly caused me to hang up my running shoes for good. I tried everything including the night splint, wearing shoes all the time, ice, golf ball etc.

    I finally went to a chiropractor who really set me straight. He used active release techniques and taping initially. I think what has been key for my recovery is that his approach has been focused on what is causing the problem. So much of PF treatment seems to be about alleviating symptoms with rest and custom inserts. but what has become clear for me, the second time around, is that you’ve got to deal with the root cause. I’m pronator with some weak arches (I sit at a desk all day and have been wearing cushioned running shoes for the past 7 months to keep the PF pain at bay). As a result my feat have weakened considerably and make me more prone for PF pain. My chiropractor has given me some post tib and anterior tib exercises that have really helped considerably. Over the past 2 months I’ve gone from painful 1 mile runs every 2 weeks to about 20 mile weaks again and I’m running relatively pain free and am confident that I will be able to return to even higher mileage soon.

    In short treat the cause not the symptoms. Strengthening is the way to go. If you’ve got it pretty bad and have been struggling for awhile, you should maybe see a chiropractor who is going to help you come up with a plan that will get to the causes of the Plantar pain. Do your reserach on good chiropractors(maybe sports or those who have deal with many runners), if they mention inserts and the usual treatment of rest I would be wary. That could end up extending the duration of your injury.

  39. Hi, I’m new to the whole running scene and need advice on a good pair of running shoes. I have a high arch and find most shoes cause me pain by the shoe pushing up into the arch. I also have a ‘dodgy’ left knee; the last pair of running shoes I bought really aggrevated this. These GOrun shoes shoes have really caught my eye and wondered would they be suitable for light running – 5km most days taking between 30-35 minutes

  40. Have to say just started running in Sept. bought the gorun sneakers and immediately felt comfortable in them. Have never worn socks on any of my runs and my feet are never tired. As long as i have these will keep running.

  41. Any ideas for winter wear? Bought merrill hikers but they are the worst i have ever bought. Need a walk run product for slush and snow

Shop Running Warehouse – Summer 2023

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