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Shoes, Form, and Minimalist Running: My Interview with Jeff Kline of PRS Fit

prsfit_3_logoJust a quick note here to point you to a podcast interview I did a few weeks ago with Jeff Kline of PRS Fit. We covered a lot of ground in just over 30 minutes, but as you might expect we mostly focused on minimalist running shoes and running form. If you’d like to listen, you can access the podcast episode here on iTunes:

You can also listen on the PRS Fit website at:

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About Peter Larson

This post was authored by Peter Larson. Pete is a biology teacher, track/soccer coach, and dad (x3) with a passion for running, soccer, and science. If you'd like to learn a little bit more about who I am and what I do, click here, or visit


  1. briderdt says:

    Is there a non-iTunes version of this somewhere?

  2. I like your blog a lot. I just don’t like anything done with Kline and everyone that does things with him risks losing all credibility. He is a fraud, criminally. He scammed triathletes in 2004. Also, he claims to have a degree but never says where his degree is from. This is because he got it from a ‘buy your degree online’ website.
    There is more out there, I just didn’t have a lot of time today.

    Do a search for “Kline” there is someone there that has more info.
    link to

    link to

  3. Danny Cagg says:

    I find this blog very insightful and useful. I, myself just began my own running blog. My blog is new, but my hopes for it to be something that is influences people and gives them knowledge on the sport and lifestyle of running. Please if you have the time, it would mean alot if you were to check it out…..

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