If you are a new reader of this blog, or have found me through one of the search engines (welcome!), I’d like to point you toward a trio of podcast episodes on the evolution of running in humans and minimalist/barefoot running that I’ve put together that complement one another nicely. As a new podcaster, I’d consider these to be 3 of my more polished episodes (this has been an incredible learning experience!). Below are the titles, and the title links will take you to Itunes so that you can download each episode.
Runblogger Podcast #14: Barefoot Running: Report on My First Barefoot Run
Runblogger Runcast #9 – Minimalist Running
Runblogger Runcast #7: The Evolution of Distance Running in Humans
I’d love to hear what you think, so feel free to leave a comment. If you like what you hear, an Itunes review is also very much appreciated!
For more general podcast subscription links, see the following:
To listen or subscribe via RSS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RunbloggerRuncast
To listen or subscribe via Itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?i=80594539&id=348528478
I just don’t have time to listen to podcasts right now, but I hope to download them & listen to them on the plane. However, what you & others have written has been enough to interest me. I got the OK from my doctor, and I am going to begin barefoot hiking! Since I can’t run yet, but am successfully doing 30 minute walks ever day and a longer hike on Sundays he thinks going barefoot will be a good way to build my strength. I am a whimp, though, when it comes to barefoot outside. I’ll be getting the Vibram Fivefingers for my hikes, which I hope some day will turn into runs. Thanks for all the good info. It is definitely impacting the direction I am going with my recovery!
That’s great – you will love the Vibram’s – hugely different feel than when
running/walking with regular shoes!