I’ve been contemplating for a few weeks about whether to put together a top shoe of the year list. Part of my hesitation was that I find it hard to rank shoes in numerical order – some are good for some things, others are good for other things, and very few (none?) are good at […]
Archives for 2010
When Shoes Attack (Me): ITB Pain Caused by the New Balance Minimus Trail?
Image via Wikipedia Today I ran 10.3 miles in my Saucony Kinvaras and it did not hurt – in fact, it was one of the best runs I’ve had since I ran the Manchester City Marathon in early November. This statement in and of itself may not seem all that significant – I run a […]
Merry Christmas to All from the Runblogger Family!
Just a quick note to wish everybody a happy holiday season, and to thank you all for a great year! Looking forward to another fun and exciting year in 2010! My kids helped me make a little Christmas card…
On Form Change, Minimalist Shoes, Pain-Free Running, and Transition Injuries: Bob C.’s Story
Though I am personally an advocate, I’ve done my best to keep an open mind about the benefits and pitfalls of stride change and migrating to a more minimalist style shoe. I realize that there is not a lot of evidence out there supporting a change, nor is there much evidence supporting maintenance of the […]
Saucony is Hacking Heels Again: Fastwitch 5 is Going to 4mm Drop
Saucony is making news once again on the low-profile shoe front. I’ve received a few messages from readers over the past few days about a video on the Running Warehouse website featuring the upcoming Fastwitch 5 lightweight training/racing shoe. In the video, a representative from Saucony confirms that they have dropped the heel in the […]
Saucony Peregrine Minimalist Trail Shoe Review from Tridudes
Update 6/15/2011: Just posted my own full review of the Saucony Peregrine. As I have posted previously here on Runblogger, the Saucony Peregrine is a lightweight, 4mm drop trail shoe set to be released in early 2011. Details about the shoe have been hard to come by, but a reader (thanks Spyros!) recently passed along […]
Review of Natural Running by Danny Abshire of Newton Running
I’ve recently begun to notice a change in how people are defining the minimalist running movement. No longer is it just about the shoes (or barefooting for that matter) – rather, people are beginning to emphasize that although minimalist shoes and barefoot running are important, their true value lies in the fact that they can […]
26 Reasons to Run 26 Miles: Inspirational Running Poem by Sam Skeist
Sam sent this to me in an email and I had to share – nothing more to say:
Winter Running Gear – Reviews of Personal Favorites From Head-to-Toe
Well, winter is upon us, and as the dark arrives progressively earlier, the cold wind starts to howl, and the snow begins to fall, we runners who live in the northern climes must begin to adapt. I’ve received a number of emails recently asking for recommendations about winter running gear, so I figured it was […]
Gear Review: RecoFit Calf Compression Sleeves and Arm Coolers
Several months ago I posted a review of a pair of Zensah calf compression sleeves that were sent to me to test out. My review was very positive, and in that post I did a brief overview of the science behind how compression garments are supposed to be of benefit to runners. I’m still not […]
Saucony Hattori Zero-Drop Wear Testers Wanted
Last week I put up a short post about a new minimalist shoe that Saucony currently has in development. The Saucony Hattori is a 4.4 oz, zero-heel-lift shoe that represents one of the first forays by one of the big shoe manufacturers into the zero-drop market. Shortly after publishing my post, I received an email […]
Shoe Reviews: Mizuno Wave Universe and Mizuno Wave Ronin
I’m going to do something of a departure from my norm here and review two shoes in a single post. My reason for opting to do this is twofold: 1. both pairs of shoes were provided to me by the same manufacturer at the same time (disclosure – these we both test samples provided free […]
Help a Running Researcher – Fill Out Jay Dicharry’s Barefoot Running Survey
Jay Dicharry of the SPEED Clinic at the Center for Endurance Sport, University of Virginia is conducting a survey of barefoot runners and is looking for your help. If you run barefoot as a regular part of your training (doesn’t have to be 100%, or even most of your miles), please consider following this link […]
A Quick Word of Thanks on Thanksgiving Day
Image via Wikipedia On a holiday where we here in the United States stop to say thank you for all of the good things that life brings us, I wanted to take a quick moment to thank all of you who read my often lengthy ramblings here on Runblogger. Your comments, emails and support are […]