Last night I posted a video on celebrating my finishing of a challenge put forth by a fellow runner. Michelle (@bklynrunner on Twitter) was shooting to reach a goal of 1000 miles for the year, and that goal hopefully was reached today. In the past 24 hours, the support shown by fellow runners for […]
Archives for 2009
Celebrating The Support of Fellow Runners Through Video on Dailymile
Runblogger Runcast #4 – A Mile for Michelle and Matt
On December 7, 2009, Michelle J. (@bklynrunner from the Runnin’ Down a Dream blog) realized that she was 105 miles from reaching her goal of 1000 for the year. She made the decision to go for the goal, and I and another fellow runner, Matt (@luau from the Run Luau Run blog), offered to run […]
ATHLETE Movie Trailer: Inspirational Movie About Endurance Athletes
The beauty of the blogosphere is that you constantly learn about new things from fellow bloggers. I was just checking out a new running blog called Pace of Conrad by fellow BrooksID runner Ryan Conrad and I saw his post on the new movie ATHLETE, which is set to be released to DVD in March […]
My Run: The Terry Hitchcock Story
Just came across a link to the movie below on Twitter (thanks @bklynrunner!) – haven’t seen it yet, but it looks inspirational! Check he links at the bottom for more info – screening times and locations can be found at the My Run movie website. MY RUN (Official Trailer) – Inspirational from Tim VandeSteeg on […]
Run the NYC Half-Marathon on March 21st for the Fresh Air Fund
I received an e-mail from a representative of the Fresh Air Fund asking me to post the below opportunity to run the NYC Half-Marathon on March 21st as a Fresh-Air Fund-Racer! Here are the details courtesy of the Fresh Air Fund: The Fresh Air Fund is looking for runners and sponsors to join their Fresh […]
Runblogger Runcast #3 – Running on Snow and Ice with La Sportiva Hobnails
Running through the winter in New Hampshire naturally means that I have to deal with snow and ice – there’s really no alternative aside from toiling away inside on the treadmill. Until this year, I’ve simply avoided running in nasty conditions, but even on good days the sidewalks in my area usually have a layer […]
Winter Running – Tips on How to Stay Motivated Despite the Weather
On a day when I ran my final 20 miler in preparation for the Disney Marathon in wind chills equivalent to 4 degrees Fahrenheit, I thought it would be appropriate to put together a post with some advice on how to keep running through the winter. For me, this is the first winter when I […]
Runblogger Runcast #2 – Winter Running in Vibram Fivefingers
The second Runblogger Runcast takes me on a 6.1 mile jaunt along a country road in my Vibram Fivefingers – in this episode I share some winter scenery as well as assorted thoughts on running in the Vibrams. Enjoy, and let me know what you think! Runblogger Runcast #2 – Winter Running in Vibram Fivefingers […]
Letter to Santa From My Son: – Why I Love My Kids
Image via Wikipedia Below is a letter that my son wrote to Santa Claus that was published in our local newspaper this morning – made my day! Dear Santa, It’s my birthday! I am 6 years old. I am a good big brother beause I am caring to my sister. I help my mom clean […]
Vibram Fivefingers: Ice and Snow are No Match for My Monster Shoes
I’ve gotten a lot of questions lately about how well the Vibram Fivefingers handle in the cold winter weather. I’ll have much more to say about this in an upcoming videocast, but for now, the pictures below ought to answer that question well enough – sub-10 degree temperatures = no problem for my KSO’s!
Gear Review: Brooks HVAC and Pulse Lite Gloves
Now that the weather has been getting colder and I’ve been running regularly in the NH winter, I have received a number of questions about how cold is too cold for me to get a run in. I have yet to reach a lower limit so far this year – the day I filmed my […]
Runblogger Runcast #1 – Winter Running With Jack
Friday was a reading day before exams start next week the college where I teach, so I took the opportunity while my kids wee in school in the morning to get out for a run with my good buddy Jack. It was frigid out – 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind chill, and probably not […]
Vibram Fivefingers and Barefoot Running: Does Removing Heel Cushion Change Footstrike?
In my previous post, I posed the following question to Ian Adamson, director of product development and education for the Newton Running Company: Me: Available data indicate that most people are heel-strikers. Is it your belief that the presence of extensive heel cushion (i.e., a heel wedge/lift) essentially forces a heel strike in most people? […]
Vibram Fivefingers and Barefoot Running: Does Removing Heel Cushion Change Footstrike?
In my previous post, I posed the following question to Ian Adamson, director of product development and education for the Newton Running Company: Me: Available data indicate that most people are heel-strikers. Is it your belief that the presence of extensive heel cushion (i.e., a heel wedge/lift) essentially forces a heel strike in most people? […]
Newton Running: Q&A With Ian Adamson, Newton’s Director of Product Development
Last week I published a post with a series of slow-motion videos of me running on a treadmill in different types of footwear (stability shoe to fully barefoot), with a specific goal of looking at if/how my footstrike might change with different types of shoes (or lack thereof). To my surprise, I received a series […]