Back in October I received an e-mail from a start-up company that was getting set to enter into the workout apparel market. The company, called thriv, produces performance workout clothing made from bamboo fiber and organic cotton, and in return for signing up for their thriv 1st newsletter, they sent me a sample shirt free […]
Archives for 2009
Relationship Between Running Footstrike and Footwear: From Stability Shoes to Barefoot
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the relationship between footwear (or lack thereof) and how it affects my running footstrike. Over the past year I’ve been running in everything from full-blown, pronation-control stabilty shoes (Saucony Progrid Guides, Brooks Adrenaline GTS 8) down to Vibram Fivefingers KSO’s, which are about as minimalist as you can […]
Running Gear Review: Black Diamond Sprinter Headlamp
In early November I wrote a post in which I recommended gear for running at night, and one of the items I discussed was the (original) Petzl Tikka Plus 4-LED headlamp (there is a newer single-LED Petzl Tikka Plus 2 out now that is rated a bit brighter). The Tikka Plus is a nice, inexpensive, […]
One Hundred Pushups: Great Upper Body Workout Program by Steve Speirs
It’s pretty clear from the title of this blog that my favored form of exercise is running. Unfortunately, running doesn’t do much for building upper body strength, and my legs are in far better shape than the rest of my body as a result. One of the resolutions/goals I’ve set for myself this winter is […]
One Step Back, Two Steps Forward – The Benefits of Taking a Break
Image by She Who Shall Not Be Named via Flickr Thanksgiving break could not have come at a better time for me. While things have been going relatively smoothly for me at work this semester, the end of November is right about the time when both faculty (myself included) and students begin to feel burned […]
Running Movie Review: The Long Green Line
The other night I watched a documentary called “The Long Green Line.” The movie tells the story of the York High School cross-country team (from Elmhurst, IL, outside of Chicago) and their legendary coach Joe Newton during the 2005 Cross Country season as they try to bring home their 25th state title in 50 years. […]
Confessions of a Running Shoe Polygamist
Image via Wikipedia This is a post about love, passion, and the deep and often complex relationships that we runners develop with … our shoes. These relationships come in many forms – some of us are monogamous, choosing a single shoe and sticking with it through the years despite updates and new models. Some of […]
Brooks Launch Review: First Impressions
Having committed to the Brooks I.D. sponsored runner program for 2010, I needed to break in some Brooks running shoes in preparation for the Disney Marathon on January 10th, which will be my first race of the new year. I’d been reading rave reviews of the Brooks Launch for several weeks on Dailymile from the […]
Running at Night: Gear for Runners and their Dogs
With winter rapidly approaching, the days have being getting progressively shorter up here in New Hampshire, and I’ve committed myself to running in the dark as a way to make sure I keep getting the miles in. Running at night presents some challenges, the most obvious of which are avoiding running into something, tripping, and […]
Minimalist Shoe from Brooks Running? – Write Them and Say YES!
Quick Post – I just received a Twitter message from @brooksrunning requesting feedback regarding interest in a minimalist running shoe. My understanding is that there is nothing currently in the works, but that they want to hear if people are interested in such a shoe (in other words, would there be a significant market for […]
Who Is Runblogger?: A Post About Me
It’s taken me a long time to get around to writing this post. When I first started this blog in January of 2009, I did it anonymously, and I’m not really sure why anymore (I guess the on-line world was new and scary to me, and I was working through how I would maintain privacy). […]
Setting Goals: Running through the Winter
One of the things that I like about doing a blog is that I can write things down and hold myself accountable for them. With that in mind, I’m writing this post to set out my goals for the winter and beyond. In past years, the winter has been a time of regression for both […]
Brooks I.D. – Application Accepted, Inspiring Daily through Running in 2010!
I received an e-mail yesterday informing me that my application to become a member of the Brooks I.D. program for 2010 has been accepted! I’m really excited about this for a number of reasons, which I’ll get to in a bit, but I thought I’d first let you in on what this program is all […]
Race Report: Manchester City Marathon 2009
When I first signed up to run both the Hartford and Manchester City Marathons this Fall, I was under the mistaken impression that there would be four weeks between them. From past marathon experience, I knew that it takes me about that much time to fully recover from the 26.2 mile race effort, and even […]