Vibram Fivefingers on The Barefoot Running Trend is Growing

Image by peemmfivekay via Flickr A few days ago, posted a story on the Vibram Fivefingers running shoe/foot-glove (not sure exactly what to call it, but you can see an image to the left). If you’re not familiar with this contraption, it’s basically a glove-like shoe that allows you to essentially run “barefoot” with […]

Obesity in America: 2009 Rankings Are In

Image via Wikipedia Just read a report on the state of obesity in America titled “F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing in America 2009“. The study, conducted by the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, showed that “adult obesity rates increased in 23 states and did not decrease […]

Wired Magazine: How Technology can Keep You Running

I just read an interesting article from the July 2009 issue of Wired Magazine titled “The Nike Experiment: How the Shoe Giant Unleashed the Power of Personal Metrics.” The article, written by Mark McClusky, discusses the development of the Nike+ training device, and how it has revolutionized the running experience for many people (view my […]

Walking in Marathons: Does it Disrespect the Race?

Image by Pabo76 I recently read an article on the Well Blog of the New York Times titled “Better Running Through Walking.” The author, Tara Parker-Pope, is training to run the New York City Marathon in November and is chronicling her journey on the NYT website (see Run Well on the Well Blog here). Her […]

The Evolution of Running in Humans: Why We Are Meant to Run

If you’ve been running for any length of time, you’ve probably received derisive comments and odd looks from friends/family regarding your running habit. “You’re going to ruin your knees” is a common one, “humans aren’t built to run long distances” is another. Well, I have news for these people – their scornful comments couldn’t be […]