Yesterday I was playing around with a new camera (Panasonic FZ200) that I recently purchased for gait filming that will shoot 120 frames per second in 720p high definition (a first in a sub-$1,000.00 consumer grade camera as I’m aware; it also shoots 240fps in VGA which is solid). So far I’m really impressed with the camera compared to the Casio models I’ve used in the past, and hope to have a more detailed review on its utility for gait analysis in the not too distant future.
In addition to filming various neighborhood animals and my dogs (had to experiment with the new toy!), I got a nice clip of my 2 year-old son running down the road – take a look :) Since I know I’ll be asked, he’s wearing Merrell Barefoot Flux Gloves. You may need to adjust the video settings to watch the HD version, and I make no claims of being an expert videographer :)
Pete it is truly amazing that many kids have such fantastic running form. If you watch his foot strike pattern you would swear he wrote Chi Running! This is a great example of how effortless great running form can be. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Yes, beautiful to watch,though I’m fascinated by his arm swing. Wonder what time kids switch from the straight-armed motion to bent elbows.
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so cute
my boy is about that age, but hasn’t learned to trot yet. He still shuffles as quick as he can. To the date, he’s about 22 months old. I’m curious at what age your son started “both-feet-off-the-ground” running? I’m just wondering, because someone tweeted the other day, “At what age did you discover you can run fast?” And I suppose it would be the day I got both feet off the ground and found my stride. Although, I do remember the moment I actually RAN fast, and I was about 9 or 10.
Not sure exactly, but he was doing it at 18 months: link to
Pete Larson’s Web Links:
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well in the above video he actually looks like a runner. At 18 months he looks alot like my son’s shuffle, but he definitely has his feet off the ground. Natural born runner I guess :) Lucky dad!
Thanks, sure is fun to watch them develop!
Pete Larson’s Web Links:
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It would be interesting for you to video him every six months running and then create time lapse video of the changes over time. Yeah…I’m a geek.
FYI the just announced GoPro3 does 120FPS@720p at under $400.
The problem with GoPro is the fisheye lens, the distortion makes it unusable for any kind of quantitative video analysis as is done in a research setting or for therapists who use programs like Dartfish. I may get one of the new ones to try out though as I can see value for simple gait observation.
Thanks for the video, Pete – Our gait lab is purchasing the Panasonic as well, looking forward to it coming in the next few weeks!
Outside videos are the best I have shot with any camera. Have not tried in the lab yet, my only worry is lack of manual shutter speed control for the high-speed setting.
Pete Larson’s Web Links:
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Yep, that can be a pickle – there was an inkling that Casio was coming out with another in their high speed line (ZR1000), but apparently it won’t have manual shutter speed adjustment either – very frustrating. I’m still using one of their EX-FH100’s, the last of the high frame rate/manual shutter speed cameras, but really have to keep it protected!
I have the EX-F1 and two of the FC150’s – great cameras, but I love the HD on the Panasonic.
Pete Larson’s Web Links:
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OMG! He gets the blue ribbon for the cuteness factor!!! Great form too! ;)
Wow. His running form is quite impressive even though he is just a toddler. It’s only a matter of time before he can start training with you.