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Where Have I Been?

Peter Larson RunbloggerI was just updating my annual Black Friday post and a couple of comments had asked where I have been. Obviously from the recent post history here on Runblogger, this site is not a place I have been much for the past few years. The reason for this is pretty straightforward – in the Fall of 2016 I returned to teaching full time, this time around as a high school science teacher at Coe-Brown Northwood Academy in Northwood, NH. If you’ve ever been a teacher, particularly at the elementary or high school level, you will know that it’s a demanding job without a lot of down time. In contrast, when I was a college professor teaching only a class or two a day, I had lots of time to pursue other interests in addition to my professional work. Needless to say, free time for blogging largely dried up when I started teaching again, and I made the decision to prioritize work and family over my online writing projects.

Though I enjoyed writing this site as a full-time job for a bit, I quickly realized that although it was financially rewarding for a time (now I mostly make enough from the post archive to just cover hosting and maintenance costs), it was not a career I wanted to sustain over the long term, and returning to teaching was a very positive move for me. I’m happy to say that I love my job, even if it is more demanding than just about anything else I have done professionally in my life. Currently, I am teaching Honors Biology, AP Biology, and College Prep Zoology. I’m fortunate to work at a great school with a supportive administration, wonderful colleagues, and some really awesome kids (hard to believe, but my oldest son is now one of them!).

I have not bee running nearly as much as I used to, but my aforementioned son is doing indoor track this winter (he’s a Freshman), and I’m hoping to join in as many workouts as I can since I’m his ride home and I have to stick around anyway (no excuses!). He seems to have inherited my love of shoes, but in his case it’s mainly soccer cleats (his favorite sport). Regarding soccer, my obsession with running has shifted to that sport, and when I’m not in school, I can usually be found on a soccer field as a coach or spectator. Over the past year and a half I’ve been coaching U10 boys (school and club), and actually got the chance to travel to England in April so that my oldest son could train with his club team (Seacoast Express United) at the Brighton and Hove Albion club training facilities. I’ve become a huge fan of professional soccer, and even got to attend two games while I was in England (Watford vs. Crystal Palace at Vicarage Road, and Arsenal vs. West Ham at Emirates Stadium). It’s looking like I may be able to go again in 2019 – can’t wait!

So, in summary, life has taken me in new and different directions over the past few years, but the change has been good I’ve wound up in a very good place. At some point I may start writing again, or maybe have my son take on a few track spike reviews. I have a little bug in my brain that I’d like to try out a masters track meet some time, but just need to re-find the discipline to train.

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About Peter Larson

This post was authored by Peter Larson. Pete is a biology teacher, track/soccer coach, and dad (x3) with a passion for running, soccer, and science. If you'd like to learn a little bit more about who I am and what I do, click here, or visit


  1. Teaching High School is the hardest job you will ever love. Pete I am glad that you are doing well, I follow your adventures on Facebook and smile a lot. Our interests change over the years and interest in running waxes and wanes with the different stages of life we are in. I have a feeling that at some point, you will miss the running side of life and come back to the fold. We will be here waiting for you when it happens. Be well Peter and at some point we will finally meet in person for that cup of coffee and swap a few tall tales. :-)

    • Thank you Harold! I’ve never really left running, just come to a different relationship where I’m happy getting in a few miles here and there (just did 2 in the bitter cold!). I’m pretty confident I have another marathon or two in me, but right now focusing on other things, and realizing that in 5 years two of my kids will be in college and want to spend as much time with them as possible before they leave the nest! Have a great Thanksgiving, and I’m sure we’ll meet up someday!

  2. Gianluca Santoni says:

    Hi Peter,
    I was on this blog like two days ago wondering how you were doing. Glad to hear that everything is fine! Good luck with your students!

  3. Thanks for the update. I still check your website at least 1x a week to hopefully imorove your site hits. Hope you are able to get more runs in – especially with your son. What an awesome idea.

    Huge Arsenal fan here. Went to Emirates in 2012 for a match against Southampton. Have you picked a club to support yet? Or as the saying goes, “you don’t pick the club. In some ways, it picks you”

    • Arsenal has chosen me :) My son became a fan first as he really got into soccer a few years ago, and Arsenal is his favorite team. I kind of followed on his interest – going to Emirates was amazing!

  4. Very happy to hear that everything is going good. But damn i miss the old Runblogger site. Where addicted to this site. Came here so many times a day to see if there where any new info. Hope someday in the future to get some of my fix again :)

    • Might happen as I settle further into the new teaching gig – it’s an incredible amount of work to get classes developed, but in my third year now and has already eased off a bunch. Thanks for the interest!

  5. Hi Peter,
    Too bad, I really liked your posts and shoe reviews in particular. But great too read that you wound up in a great place!
    Fully understand that teaching is very demanding. I could never do it, so I stick with running :)
    All the best and I hope you can find time for writing in the future!


  6. CHRISTOPH says:

    Hi Peter,
    Been following your journey for quite a bit, but yeah – did not realize through my RSS feed reader that you were absent for so long. I am glad you enjoy teaching.

    I was wondering if you have ever considered selling the site as is at all? I am an avid runner myself and also have a friend who I feel I would like to team up with and move your site to its next chapter.

    Anyway, thank you for your consideration.

    Best regards,
    Christoph (Vista, CA)

  7. I used to make a living making websites. I would review fitness equipment because they are high ticket items. I made a lot of money but bigger companies realised there’s good money to be made. The competition became too much. I did it full time for around 7 years and really enjoyed it. It’s good that you have a profession to fall back on. I’ve enjoyed reading your past posts. I wish you all the best.

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