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Skechers GoRun 4 Review: A Great Update

Skechers GoRun 4I first ran in a prototype of the Skechers GoRun 4 on a cold, slushy day earlier this year. I’d heard hints that the shoe was substantially changed from previous versions, but didn’t know much beyond that (I had heard that it was more Kinvara-like than previous versions, no complaints here with that comparison!). Upon opening the package when it first arrived, it was clear that this shoe had indeed undergone a top-to-bottom overhaul, and I liked what I saw.

My first run in the shoes convinced me that Skechers had produced something special in the GR4. It was one of those runs where everything just felt right, and I wound up running way faster than I intended to at the outset. I emailed my contacts at Skechers right after that run and told them the shoe was nearly perfect even though it was still an early prototype. They had nailed it. Over the Spring and Summer I ran in several subsequent iterations of the shoe. Changes were not substantial, though there were a few that spurred some debate among wear testers and the design team (more on this below). The finished product is set to be released on November 15, and I’m excited to see how it will be received.

Skechers has given me the go-ahead to post a full review, so here goes!

Skechers GoRun 4

So what has changed in the GoRun 4? Well, pretty much everything. New upper, new sole – it’s a complete re-design. That being said, fans of previous versions should not be worried that their favorite shoe has been ruined. My take is that the ride retains some of the feel of previous versions, but in a more refined package. It’s a really nice shoe.


The GoRun 4 adds a bit of weight over previous versions, mainly due to a slightly thicker midsole – specs sent to me by Skechers indicate a weight of 7.8oz in men’s size 9. As such, it’s still a pretty lightweight shoe. Midsole thickness is 18mm heel, 14mm forefoot for 4mm drop. The included 3mm forefoot, 7mm heel sockliner adds 4mm to the drop (8mm total), but it is removable and there is a finished footbed underneath.

Skechers GoRun 4


The upper of the GoRun 4 is composed of a outer layer of tightly woven mesh over an inner layer of more open mesh. It does a good job of keeping road debris out, but breathability is compromised a bit by the tight weave. The fabric is reasonably stretchy, but does a good job of holding the foot in place. The upper is minimally structured with welded overlays and a few stitched overlays providing most of the support. A thin, flexible heel counter was added after the initial prototype to help maintain structure in that area. I was initially opposed to this, but it’s so flexible that you barely know it’s there. Inside the heel the shoe is lined by a soft, padded mesh that feels good against a bare foot. The tongue is also nicely padded and I have not had any issues with it slipping.

Skechers GoRun 4 Quick Fit Portal

One of the biggest points of debate about the GoRun 4 was the addition of a feature called the QuickFit Portal (see photo above). Basically, the QFP is a hole in the back of the shoe that is intended to be used as a finger-loop to help pull the shoe on quickly. I had major concerns about potential for abrasion against the skin from the margins of the portal, but after multiple sockless runs by myself and other wear testers it seemed to be benign. I still advocated leaving it out, but I didn’t win that battle.

Skechers GoRun 4

In terms of fit, the GoRun 4 is similar to previous versions, maybe just a tad snugger up in the forefoot. It’s by no means a tight-fitting shoe – fits my average-width foot just about right. The insole is removable, and the footbed underneath is finished, so if you need a roomier fit removing the insole should do the trick.

Skechers GoRun 4 Sole


As mentioned under the “Specs” section, the GoRun 4 gains a bit of thickness in the midsole (3mm more than the GR3 in both the heel and forefoot), and as such the shoe provides a bit more cushioning than previous versions. The Resalyte midsole retains the softish feel of previous versions, and also remains quite flexible. The sole feel is somewhat reminiscent of the Saucony Kinvara 5, which is probably a reasonable shoe to put in the same category with the GR4.

It’s worth noting that I did not get a strong sense of a midfoot “bump” in the GR4 as I have in previous versions. The bump seems to have become be less pronounced in each subsequent iteration.

As is typical of most Skechers shoes, there is very little outsole coverage on the GoRun 4; just a few rubber pods around the margins of the shoe. If you tend to grind up the heels of your shoes on asphalt, that will be a potential durability issue with these.

I’ve found the sole of the GR4 to be a great fit for my stride. It is on the soft side as far as shoes go, so those who like firm shoes may want to look elsewhere. However, if you like a bit of cush, the GR4 will be too your liking, and it has enough sole to handle running long distances.


I don’t often get wowed by a shoe after a first run, but that was my reaction to running in the Skechers GoRun 4. It ticks nearly all of my boxes: moderate drop, softish sole, near-perfect fit (on me), decent flexibility, etc. This is easily my favorite version of the GoRun so far, and I suspect it will be a hit when released in mid-November.

What do you think? Excited about or skeptical of the overhaul of this shoe?

Purchasing Options

The Skechers GoRun 4 is now available at Running Warehouse and

Update: A few people asked about other colorways of this shoe. Below is a photo of some of the different versions I have, not sure which colors will be among those in final production models.

GoRun 4 Colors

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About Peter Larson

This post was authored by Peter Larson. Pete is a biology teacher, track/soccer coach, and dad (x3) with a passion for running, soccer, and science. If you'd like to learn a little bit more about who I am and what I do, click here, or visit


  1. Looks like it might be a little more narrow and lower volume. Is that so?

    • Just a tad narrower I think, also not quite as stretchy in the upper. But no issues with fit for me.

      • Honestly, a little less width and volume would be great for me. I always found myself swimming in them every time I tried a pair on.

    • Michael Morad-McCoy says:

      Yes. Narrower, heavier, thicker soles. And they cut me across the top of my toes. A real disappointment after 2 or 3 years of great shoes from Skechers I guess I need to look elsewhere.

  2. Great review! I love the GR3, I’m looking forward to the GR4, and I’m hoping its as flexible as its previous model.

    • Michael Morad-McCoy says:

      Definitely NOT as flexible. My first couple of pairs of Skechers I put them on and they felt great. These just feel like any other shoe.

  3. Yeah, I don’t think that toebox is going to work for me.

  4. Did they give an indication of what it will retail for?

  5. amadeus303 says:

    Super pumped about these… any shots of the other colorways, Pete? I own 3 pairs of GR3’s, but I’ll be the first to admit that their drab color schemes were pretty boring.

    I bet they added that Quickfit Portal to appeal to the tri crowd, especially now that they’ve brought on a few athletes on endorsements. I’m not complaining… they’ve become my go-to shoe for nearly everything. Every time I’ve tried on a new pair of shoes in the last few months, I’ve compared them to the GR3’s.

  6. Midpackbiped says:

    Any word on Gorunride 4s?

  7. No, I’m not excited. Increased weight and a tighter toebox are not what I like in a shoe. With each iteration the Go Run is becoming more a middle of the road shoe. That might increase the sales, but too bad for me it’s another shoe that isn’t an option anymore. But I have to admit it’s a nice looking shoe!

  8. I was hoping this would get released before my November 15 marathon. Didn’t quite make it

  9. Thanks for your review, Pete. I going to try the GR4s this time. I have been running in GRR3. I really like them. I am on my second pair. I have run 3 marathons and paced someone doing a 100 mile marathon for 38 miles in them. Nothing but thumbs up. So comfortable and light.

  10. I really love my GR2’s and GR3’s and I was excited to hear about the GR4’s. Now I’m a little worried.

    I am a bit worried about the tighter toebox… and any comparisons to the Kinvara really scare me. When the Kinvara line was a new found hit, I tried them a few time; each take away memory was the same, I am engaging in foot binding.

    Also the QFP sound like an interesting gimmick the gimmick nonetheless.

  11. I was really looking forward to seeing the GR4 would bring.

    First impressions are of disappointment. My favourite iteration was the GR2 and felt they went backwards with the GR3. They look to have slipped even further back with this shoe.

    I when can they start by bring out a decent colourway range for a change.

    I was holding off getting a pair of the Kinvara 5’s to see what the GR 4 would bring and looks like I’ll be going back to Saucony.

    • Just added a photo at the bottom of the post with some of the other colors I have seen.

      • amadeus303 says:

        Pete… how would you compare the sole of the GR4 to the Kinvara 5? One of the things I LOVE about the GR3 is the sole’s flexibility… and it’s one of the reasons I dislike the Kinvara 5, which feels noticeably stiffer to my feet.

        Does the additional 3mm of forefoot/heel midsole change the feel significantly from the GR3? I thought the Go Run Ride was supposed to be the extra cushioned version of the Go Run.

  12. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I think they look great. Not really expecting that they’ll fit me well (no version ever has).

  13. Each to their own but I think that is one ugly looking shoe.

    The GR2’s on the other hand was a great looking shoe.

  14. Thanks for the review of the GR4’s I’m excited to try them out.

    Is there any word on a GoRun Ultra 2?

  15. Hi Peter! Greetings from Spain!

    I usually run in Skechers GoRun 3 and Nike Free 4.0 Flyknitt (both great shoes!). Few days ago the ownwer of the shop where I bought my Go Run told me that, since I am a 1.9m and 95Kg guy, I should better use GR3 as racing shoes and GRR3 as daily trainer…

    What do you think about this opinion? Do you think GR4 would be a good daily trainer for me?

    • I think you use whatever feels best on your runs. You know your body better than a person at a store :)

      The GR4 is a bit more shoe than the GR3. Personally, I’d have no problem using it as a daily trainer.

  16. Randell Gidley says:

    Just curious…I just finished walking my first 13.1. I am 6’4″ 276 lbs. and I used ASICS GT1000 2. I was wondering if these would be a good fit for walking purposes or should I consider the GOWalks?

  17. Todd Baldini says:

    Is the mid-foot resalyte a different density than the rest of the midsole or just a different color?

  18. Randell Gidley says:

    I was wondering if the Go run series or the go run ride series would be better due to my weight. I am only walking until I can drop moe weight.

    • hi Randall, I would use the Go Run Ride for now. The Go Runs are definitely designed specifically for running with a forefoot or midfoot strike and don’t tend to be comfortable for the standard heel-to-toe motion of walking. The Go Run Ride is absolutely fine for walking in, but will also be perfect for when you start running short intervals, and the extra bit of cushioning will make the impact easier on your joints. I ran my first marathon yesterday in the GRR3, which unfortunately included as few walking intervals due to severe indigestion from overdoing it on Carb-loading the day before, so I feel pretty familiar with the shoe at this stage! Good luck.

  19. amadeus303 says:

    Hey all… just wanted to share that has some of the new Go Run line posted up now.

  20. FlamingJune says:

    Ugh, all the improvements you talk about have me worried. I need the width – and since skechers abandoned a wide width option after the original GoRuns, I’ve been forced to squeeze my foot into men’s shoes. But if even the men’s shoes are more narrow….
    Also, I LOVED the stretchy upper, the lack of heel counter, and the pronounced “hump”. I have been sad to see the hump diminishing. It was my favorite feature. I can see why they introduced some shoes that were more mainstream – but why compromise the hump in every design?
    I absolutely loved the original GoRun (which came in a EE width!!!) and went through 7 pairs. It makes me feel like crying every time I read about Skecher’s “improvements” – which just sound like every other shoe out there.
    Pete: Please help me. I have been on a search lately for some sort of wide-width option for my super wide feet. I have the Altra Instinct 2 – but my problem with all Atras is that the upper isn’t stretchy enough and there just doesn’t seem to be enough volume in the big toe area to keep my toe from rubbing. Also, the heel rubs something awful. What would you consider to be the widest shoe most like the original skechers gorun??? Thanks! I rely on your reviews and so appreciate your having introduced me to Skechers in the first place!

    • Have you tried the Altra The One2? Might be a decent option. Or you could also try the Skechers GoBionic 2. Not to many shoes quite like the GR1.

      • FlamingJune says:

        Coincidentally, I took the Altra Instincts back to the running store on Friday and they introduced me to the Altra One2. I took the One2s out for a 10 mile run yesterday and they are everything I am looking for! A nicely cushioned, very flexible shoe, with no heel counter, zero drop and – best of all – plenty of room for my little piggies to breath. I do miss the M-Strike from the skechers, but these Altras have some nice arch support – which my PF prone feet need. I’m still wearing the men’s shoes – and I had to size up from a 8.5 to a 9.5 to get enough depth in the toe box, but I am seriously in love with these big, ugly shoes :)
        I did try the GoBionic 2 – but it was only slightly wider than the GoRun 3. Skechers really spoiled me with 2E wide shoes in the original GoRuns.
        I still love skechers – and will probably continue to use the GoRuns for speed work, but my loyalty has switched to Altra for now.
        I still owe quite a bit to you for introducing me to Skechers in the first place – which were the first athletic shoes I had ever worn that actually fit my feet!

  21. Hi Peter yo said that gorun4 is compared to kinvara5, and can be a daily trainer shoe (rythms and weight for the gorun4?) (to run marathon and daily train shoe– weigth 73kg, and rythm 4.55-5’/km, is appropriate?- )better other shoes…. whats your opinion.

  22. Aaron Baker says:

    Pete, I haven’t even seen these in person yet and I’m already disappointed with this “update”. First, I’m obviously in the minority here, but I thought the GoRun 3 was a nearly perfect shoe. I appreciated that they were taking a risk and doing something different with the rockered sole, and it felt great to me on the run.

    I’m sad to see that they are changing virtually everything about my favorite shoe. They’re watering it down to attract the masses and appear to have created a poor man’s Kinvara (don’t even get me started on how the Kinvara has gone from an awesome shoe to a trainery brick!). But what really annoys me here is that instead of keeping the GoRun for those who love it and then releasing this version as another shoe, they’re trying to convince us that this is just an update.

    I miss the days when your blog had more of a point of view – back before you had relationships with the shoe companies – and when you would have been openly skeptical of this kind of cynical marketing.

    • I was a bit skeptical when I first heard about the changes they were making to this shoe, but after running in it I was really impressed. Is it marketing to the masses? Sure. But that doesn’t necessarily make a shoe bad.

    • Just because he likes something you don’t doesn’t mean he lacks a point of view–it’s just one you don’t agree with.

  23. John Colter says:

    GOrun History:

    Original GOrun (GOrun 1):
    Revolutionary, no other running shoe with this sole profile.
    Hump in the middle felt weird when standing or walking, but worked great when running. It really did encourage a soft rolling midfoot strike.
    Lined interior allowed wearing it sockless without chaffing.
    Soft comfy upper, soft heal counter, great for people with heel pain (Achilles pain or PF).
    The combination of the humped sole profile and compliant upper made for a great therapy shoe.
    Outsole tended to collect rocks and debris as they got stuck between lugs.
    Only suitable for smooth road running or track running.
    Wide roomy toe box.

    GOrun 2:
    A conventional running shoe, but still light, flexible and responsive.
    No Hump, more conventional running shoe sole profile than the original.
    Snugger, narrower fitting upper then the GOrun 1.
    Interior finish has exposed seams so not as comfy when worn sockless.
    Improved outsole did not collect rocks and debris so suitable for more running surfaces than GOrun 1.
    Lighter than the GOrun 1.

    GOrun 3:
    Even more conventional than the GOrun 2.
    Heavier than the GOrun 2.
    Stiffer upper and heel counter.
    Curved last making it narrower in the fore foot and wider (sloppy) in the rear foot compared to GOrun 2 (Think the opposite of the wide forefoot narrow heel profile of the Altra brand of shoe).
    The width changes to the upper and the fit are the biggest differences between the GOrun 3 and the GOrun 2.

    GOrun 4:
    No longer a super lightweight minimalist shoe.
    Thicker sole and stiffer upper than the GOrun 3.
    None of the attributes of the original GOrun, perhaps it is time for a name change?

    • Good history.

      I do think that the shoe no more represents what it once originally was, so it’s time a name change in my opinion.

  24. Since I purchased a GoSpeed 2 and a GoRun Ride 3 I became a fan of Skechers. I can’t wait to have the GR4, GRR4 and GS3 here in Brazil so I can try them out.
    I have been rotating the GS2 and GRR3 with My Sauconys Guide 7 and Mirage 4 and I feel more and more towards the Skechers due to upper construction and confort.

  25. Jonathan Buchman says:

    Got a pair of the 4’s at the New York City Marathon Expo. yesterday and put an easy 7 miles on them this morning. GREAT SHOE! I was blown away by how perfect they were for ME. They fit me better than my Kinvara 5’s and have even better road feel. Been nursing an injury so running NYC Sunday in the Hoka Cliftons (more cushioned) but looking forward to putting miles on these new Skecher Go Run 4’s!

  26. hey pete,
    i know some others may have asked already, but – gun to your head – how are you choosing between kinvara 5 and GR4?

    • Good question, tough to answer. GR4 if you want more flexibility and softer sole (though they are close), Kinvara for a more traditional upper. My only concern with the GR4 is whether the quick fit heel portal might cause problems over longer distances.

  27. Brad Landry says:

    It still baffles me that Skechers doesn’t do half sizes. Would you recommend sizing up or down for someone who’s typically 12.5? I’ve tried sizing up before in other shoes (to a 13) and could never get a good fit.

    • They do half sizes, just not at the higher end of the size scale. I’d probably try a half size smaller and see how it feels.

    • I’ve got the same issue with Skechers – I’m a perfect 12.5 in their shoes, and 12s are too short (lost 2 toenails in a half marathon). The 13s feel a bit too loose, volume-wise. Otherwise, I think I’d wear nothing but Skechers…

  28. amadeus303 says:

    Pete, did they ever give you an “official” release date? Even the NYC limited editions don’t include the GR4.

  29. Disappointed. I’m still in love with the GR2 and never really felt anything for the GR3. This is far from what I fell in love with in the GR2 so hopefully the Skechers Outlet I visit in Asia will have some of the GR2s still in stock. I’ll have to see the GR4 in person, but just looking at it, it’s really not something I would wear.

  30. Do you have any news on the release date?

  31. Once again, really nice review Pete. I agree: First run, golden.

    Full disclosure: I work for Skechers Performance, so you can read the following and take it as needed, or not. It won’t hurt my feelings.

    Like many of you, I was introduced to the Skechers Performance line with the original GO Run. The GR2 are what really caught my eye and changed my perception of the brand. Waaaaaaaaay before I started to work for them. I loved those shoes. So I totally understand where you’re coming from if you’re disappointed that the GR models have evolved.

    The GR have never really been about “minimalism” (whatever that is). They’ve always been designed to be the smoothest transitioning shoes possible. The GR4 are still that, from the few runs in them I’ve done.

    From what I’ve seen thus far: The fit on my foot is still right on. They disappear. That’s all I’m looking for. I tend not to over think that part. (Everything else in the world? I over-think the shit out of it, but not my shoes.) No pinching, no sliding. I’ve got a fairly medium, low volume foot and I’ve got no issues of note.

    They’re still the quietest shoes around. The added mm of midsole haven’t really changed that, and only really serve to make them more responsive and “faster.” I never really thought of the GR as “fast” shoes. They were light, yeah, but to me fast shoes are ones that are further toward the responsive end of the spectrum. The GR4 are more responsive, for sure, and that is likely due to the added Resalyte.

    Do I like them more than my old favorites, (you know the ones)? I do. They’re smoother, they don’t slap at all, the fit is cleaner. They’re comparable only in terms of the numbers. The price is the same, but they are a much more “finished” product, for those who pay attention to such details more than I do.

    Running shoes models evolve. They change. They go away. (Hell, I still think the first adios are the gold standard in that heritage.) The GR have evolved to be sure, and I think now more people will like to run in the GR4.

    • Any idea why the delay on release date? Everything I’d read said Nov. 15.

      • They’ve begun to arrive at specialty retailers. Check with your lrs to make sure they bring them in!

        • Does that include Skechers retail stores? The local one to me (in Cincinnati) stocks the GR3, GRR3, and GRU.

          (Really, REALLY wish they stocked the GoMeb as well…want to try them sometime!)

    • > The GR have never really been about “minimalism”

      I don’t know about that.

      Skecher’s David Raysse (V.P. of Advanced Concepts) says himself:

      “The original GOrun would fall in the minimal category”

      Here’s the video:
      link to

  32. Any word on release date?

  33. Runningwarehouse has them for $100.

    link to

  34. this is so confusing. i would like to skechers money and then i would like them to send me shoes. why are they making it so hard?
    link to

  35. I’ve been a long time user of the GoRuns ever since they came out, but I always felt they were a tad wide (my feet aren’t narrow) and the soles a bit soft. I picked up a pair of the GoRun4’s yesterday at the San Antonio marathon Expo (20% discount) and did some light running with it today. I thought these shoes felt great, the fit was so much better than the previous models. I felt really connected to the ground and could feel my foot arches more engaged in my running. I felt I could really push the pace with these shoes today, but I had to remind myself to save it for the marathon. The Skechers Rep said more rubber was added to the sole to make it more wear resistant and it did feel a bit firmer to me.

  36. has 30% off today. You can get the GoRun 4 for $66.47

  37. Mike Williams says:

    You compared it to the Kinvara. Will there be Kinvara- like durability issues as well? I’m looking for a light, fast shoe with a reasonably low drop for mileage days. I typically do between seven and twelve miles at about a 6:30 pace on a mixture of surfaces.

  38. Pete, really love your reviews. I check your site almost daily. Any chance that Skechers will come out with a shoe somewhere between the GRR4 and GRU? I really like the GRU more than my Saucony Ride 7 and Mizuno Enigma 3, but wish they would not wear out so quickly. Also, wouldn’t mind slightly less thick soles. I suffer from chronic plantar fasciitus and wear rigid/semi-rigid insoles in all my shoes. I am considering GRR4 but not sure I would feel they were “cushy” enough.

  39. Love skechers …used the go meb speeds for 5 k’s this past year, used the GoRun Ride3’s for more longer runs. Training for a marathon this year, what skechers model would be best suited for the longer distance – Go Run 4 or the newest Ride models ? thanks !

    • I haven’t run in the recent Ride models so can’t comment on those. GoRun 4 would probably be my choice, but if you are liking the Ride maybe best to stick with it?

  40. amadeus303 says:

    I wore the GR3 without the sock liner…but the GR4 feels more comfortable with the sock liner. Is it just me, or did anyone else feel this way?

    Also, I ran in the GR3 sans socks often, but the GR4 seems to have a rough seam at the top of the instep that rubs me with or without the sock liner. Maybe they just need to be broken in a little bit more, but it’s something I never had an issue with in the past.

    The shoe feels like a Kinvara 5 clone to me…maybe a slightly softer sole. I know the Kinvara is a popular shoe, but there’s a reason I went to the GR series from the Kinvara. IMO, the GR4 feels like a wholesale change from the series. They should’ve called it something different.

  41. Love the GR3’s they fit me perfect with the optional insole with plenty of room in the forefoot. Shoefitr recommends a half size larger in the GR4’s. Has anyone else found they have had to go up a half size from the GR3’s to GR4’s?

    • amadeus303 says:

      I didn’t have an issue with sizing… I use a 10 in both the GR3 and GR4. That said, I don’t use the insole in the GR3, but I feel more comfortable with the insole in the GR4.

  42. hi there peter,

    I am a minimalist runner, who prefers to run on trails, but often finds himself running on roads for weather reasons. on trail i usually wear zero drop shoes with thin midsoles, but for road, as i’m looking for a recovery shoe, i’m willing to go thicker and up to 4mm drop, so i was looking at these.

    i tried the go run 3, and i have to say that as someone who likes a minimalist-style shoe i hated them – the legendary ‘midfoot bump’ just felt like a ton of arch support to me, which kept my feet from splaying in the way they want to. i never actually ran in them, just wore them on a walk around town, and afterwards i had to soak my feet!

    so please enlarge about the midfoot bump on the gorun 4…. i must admit, i am a bit ‘princess and the pea’ about arch/medial posting. if you don’t recommend the gorun 4, then could you suggest another moderately cushioned road shoe at 0-4mm drop? have you run in the virrata 2, or the altra instinct 3.0?

    thanks for your time. i love your blog!

    • I did not really notice a bump in the GR4, but if you are really sensitive to it I would say to try something else. I have not run in the Instinct 3.0, but that might be worth a look given that it has a nice, wide toebox. The Virrata is on the narrower side. You might also take a look at some of the shoes Topo has to offer. They have some interesting new models – I have a few but have not run in them yet.

  43. catherine vereker says:

    I would be an under pronator and have worn asics kayanno range and now brooks gts. Would the gr4 be suitable for me. Running on road. Size 7 in brooks

    • The Kayano is a pretty heavy duty stability shoe, and the Adrenaline GTS is a standard stability shoe. Both are meant for overpronators, not under pronators. The GR4 is softer and much more flexible than either of those so will feel quite different. But if you don’t pronate a lot it might work just fine.

  44. Don Goden says:

    Little late to this discussion – but—

    I got my first pair of GoRun3 about a year ago and felt I had finally found a replacement for the Brooks Green Silence. Then tried a pair of GRR4 and was OK with those, but they weren’t quite the slipper feel of the GR3. Got my first pair of GR4 last month, and while I still like the shoe, it seems that it is more like the GRR4 than the GR3. Oh well, and also, fit seems a little more snug in the GR4 – so just ordered two more pair but a half size up.

  45. Hi Pete, when you run in the GR4, were you wearing the shoe with the insole or not? From what I understand, the insole makes the shoe 8mm drop whereas it’s 4mm without the insole.

    For my GoRun3 and GoRun Ride 3, I get chafed badly on the medial arch of my right foot whenever I run in those shoes without the insole. Love the 4mm drop, but chafing is inevitable. Whereas when I run with the insole in 8mm drop setting, I don’t have any issues.

    Have you tried running in GR4 without the insole? Any issues from it?

  46. Hi Peter,

    What’s the size you are wearing. How does the fit sizing compare to the kinvara 5?

  47. The GoRun 4 2016 is being discounted on the Skechers site. Any word on a GoRun 5?

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