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Meb’s Boston 2014 Post-Race Interview

I’m almost 39, I just ran a personal best, and just won the Boston Marathon.” – Meb Keflezighi

As a fellow 39 year old runner all I can say is, Meb, you are an inspiration.

via Runner’s World (note: video may not work on some mobile devices)

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About Peter Larson

This post was authored by Peter Larson. Pete is a biology teacher, track/soccer coach, and dad (x3) with a passion for running, soccer, and science. If you'd like to learn a little bit more about who I am and what I do, click here, or visit


  1. I’m also 39, and totally agree the performance is inspiring. I’m also impressed with how much respect Meb has in the racing community. He is truly a “good guy” and someone that would be just great to hang out with. This article how Ryan Hall helped Meb during the race is pretty cool too. link to

  2. As a runner nearing 33, I’m amazed at Meb’s performance. I believe that his win at the Boston Marathon this year was needed for both the city and the country. I believe that all of the American runners did well this year, but having a winner from our nation after a lengthy drought is very special. Well done Meb.

  3. running Boston (wearing my Skechers GoMeb marathon shoes) and in the later miles i saw a woman holding a sign that read: “Meb Won.” i couldn’t believe it and yelled out to question her if he had actually won the overall race. she answered yes and i immediately let out a scream of joy. no one else seemed to react or care. perhaps they had no idea who Meb was (or possibly the struggle to finish was all engrossing) but it was an big inspiration to me as i am a big Meb fan and was given a “Go Meb Go” tech shirt at the Skechers booth at the expo after explaining that i had owned 6 pairs of the GoMeb shoe. at dinner after the marathon i proudly wore my “Meb” shirt. he is here in the KC area this evening to promote the Garmin Marathon and i wish i had gotten tickets to the dinner where he is attending. but he is and will always be one of America’s greatest marathoners.

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