I received an email this morning from Aaron Smart, who co-produced a the official documentary video account of the 2013 Vibram Tarawera Ultramarathon in New Zealand. The documentary was just released, and you can view it below – looks like a beautiful race, and further enhances my lean toward running a trail 50K this Fall!
Have a look:
Great video! They did a fantastic job capturing the whole experience of an ultra race. Also, pretty cool to see the female winner (7th overall) beat the field in a pair of Five Fingers.
Beautiful course and well made documentary.
Which 50km were you planning on doing again? I’m doing a 25km this June to get my feet whet in trail ultras! I want to do a 50k, too!
Hoping to do the Vermont 50K this Fall. That’s the tentative plan.
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Yep, it’s such an awesome part of the world. You should all come here. And 22 year old Ruby Muir is an absolute rock star. She is smashing all trail running records here. I would love to see what she could do to some of the big overseas races.
It’s on my list, but my wife has told me I can’t got to NZ unless she comes with me :) expensive trip!
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