Was just looking through my Twitter feed and came across this Tweet from Kevin Maggs of Running Reform:
An amazing, inspirational video about the essential need 4 movement & exercise 4 health, Thnx @adammeakins @jorgenjevne bit.ly/WgedEv
— Running Reform (@RunningReform) January 20, 2013
The tweet links to a really nice video by a chiropractor named Martin Svendsen. Watch and enjoy:
I am pretty sure that at least some of that footage is from the HD Hero Pro 3 promo video: link to youtube.com…
Yes, he cites and links to all of the original sources in his description on YouTube
Pete Larson’s Web Links:
-My book: Tread Lightly: link to ow.ly
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Ahh, missed that as I just watched the video till the end.
no runners !