I’ve been struggling a bit lately with a number of issues related to my newfound passion for blogging. When I first started out earlier this year, I set up one blog with no real idea of where it would take me or what the blog would ultimately focus on. As my blogging interests began to crystallize a bit, I created a second blog to focus on blogging tips I had learned as a new blogger. Unfortunately, my initial plans for it seemed to have been well covered by many other very good sites, and I quickly realized that the second blog wasn’t going to work out the way I wanted. At the same time, this blog had taken on a very running-oriented theme, and my URL and blog title no longer suited the content the way that I had initially envisioned. As a result, I have made several changes over the past few days:
1. I deleted my “Blogging for Beginners” site.
2. I changed the title of this blog from “This View of Life” to “Runblogger.com” to reflect the direction that I see the blog heading. I’ve really enjoyed writing about running, blogging, and being active with my family, and this is where I see the focus of this site heading. As a biologist, I also hope to begin writing posts on running anatomy and physiology, and this wouldn’t have fit so well on a more generic type of personal blog. It’s going to take a bit of time for the change to settle in, and I may take some hits in terms of search engine blog traffic, but I thought this would be the best route to take for the long run (no pun intended!).
3. I changed the URL for this blog from “oblinkin.blogspot.com” to “www.runblogger.com.” In reading about blogging and website design, I’ve become convinced of the value of a custom domain name (see here and here). After doing some additional reading on how to choose an effective blog domain name, I settled on www.runblogger.com – short, sweet, and covers the blog content quite well.
In making these changes, I’ve also accomplished an ulterior motive. If I have a blog with the word “run” in the title and I want to keep it going, I’m going to have to keep running. I haven’t had any problems with running motivation as yet, but if I do, my hope is that my commitment to this blog will keep me honest!
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this transition works ok from a technical side, but in the meantime, I’m open to any suggestions/comments that you might have.
Thanks for reading!
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