Runblogger Runcast #5 – First Audio Podcast

The first Runblogger Runcast audio episode is now on-line – here’s the episode description: “Runblogger Runcast #5 – Join me and Jack the dog while on a run around my childhood hometown of West Hartford, CT.  Among other things, I discuss the support of the on-line running community, my running plans for 2010 (including the […]

Runblogger Runcast #4 – A Mile for Michelle and Matt

On December 7, 2009, Michelle J. (@bklynrunner from the Runnin’ Down a Dream blog) realized that she was 105 miles from reaching her goal of 1000 for the year. She made the decision to go for the goal, and I and another fellow runner, Matt (@luau from the Run Luau Run blog), offered to run […]

Runblogger Runcast #3 – Running on Snow and Ice with La Sportiva Hobnails

Running through the winter in New Hampshire naturally means that I have to deal with snow and ice – there’s really no alternative aside from toiling away inside on the treadmill. Until this year, I’ve simply avoided running in nasty conditions, but even on good days the sidewalks in my area usually have a layer […]

Runblogger Runcast #2 – Winter Running in Vibram Fivefingers

The second Runblogger Runcast takes me on a 6.1 mile jaunt along a country road in my Vibram Fivefingers – in this episode I share some winter scenery as well as assorted thoughts on running in the Vibrams. Enjoy, and let me know what you think! Runblogger Runcast #2 – Winter Running in Vibram Fivefingers […]

Runblogger Runcast #1 – Winter Running With Jack

Friday was a reading day before exams start next week the college where I teach, so I took the opportunity while my kids wee in school in the morning to get out for a run with my good buddy Jack.  It was frigid out – 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind chill, and probably not […]

Runblogger Podcast

Below are links to the episode detail pages for each of my runcasts – click the links and they will take you direclty to the episode pages. You can also subscribe to the Runblogger Runcast on Itunes or via RSS. FeedWind