I’m going to keep this one short and sweet. I spent the last week coaching at a Masters Running Camp up in Craftsbury, VT. The schedule was incredibly hectic, with little down time, so I was only able to get two posts up. I also wasn’t able to filter much through my RSS feeds to […]
This Week in Runblogging: July 14 to July 20 2014
As this roundup is posted, I’ll be heading up to Vermont for two weeks of coaching at the Craftsbury Running Camps. I may try and do a few posts that provide a bit of an overview of what goes on up there (if you’ve never been, I highly recommend it!). It’s basically runner heaven: good […]
This Week in Runblogging: July 7 to July 13 2014–Lots of Garmin!
I’ve been playing with a lot of fitness electronic devices over the past few months, and used the blog last week to knock out a few reviews of products in this niche that I have really enjoyed using. The Garmin Vivofit is a great choice if you’re in the market for an activity tracker, with […]
This Week in Runblogging: June 30 to July 6 2014
This is going to be a short roundup due to the fact that last week included the 4th of July holiday here in the US. It’s traditionally a vacation week for many families, mine included, and is typically one of the slowest traffic weeks of the year for my blog (and I’m sure many others […]
This Week in Runblogging: June 2–June 8 2014
The big running news for me this week was that my beginner 5K group ran their end-of-program race yesterday. It’s incredibly rewarding as a coach to see how far they have progressed over the past 9 weeks, and even more rewarding to have been able to watch them cross the finish line of what I […]
Two Weeks in Runblogging: May 19-June 1 2014
The Memorial Day holiday here in the US typically marks the unofficial start of summer for me. During my years as a college professor it came right after the end of the Spring semester, and it marked the start of 3 months without any classes to teach and thus more time to spend with my […]
This Week in Runblogging: 5/12-5/18 2014
This week was full of learning experiences for me. A hot 14 mile run on Monday reminded me that I need to start taking hydration seriously again now that the weather is warming up. A 5K on Thursday night reminded me that course and conditions on race day can conspire to smash hopes of a […]
This Week in Runblogging 5/5 to 5/11 2014
The big news this week for me was the return of the Saucony Kinvara. Version 4 was a big let down due to a poor fitting toebox, but version 5 has fixed that and then some. I ran 11 miles in them last weekend and wrote up a first impression review on Monday. I’ve since […]
Video: David Epstein TED Talk on Whether Athletes Have Gotten Faster, Better, and Stronger
I came across this TED Talk video on the 278 to Boston blog. In the video David Epstein questions whether athletes really have gotten faster, better, and stronger. He looks at things like the role of technology in improving athletic performance, the role of body types in various sports, and much more (lots of running […]
This Week in Runblogging: 2/21–2/27 2014
The past 8-9 days have pretty much been a runner’s dream for me. Near PR in the 5K, Meb wins Boston, vacation to Mt. Ascutney VT with the family (site of the VT 50K each Fall), and I ran my first long trail race (~15K) in several years yesterday. Getting out on the trails reminded […]
This Week in Runblogging: 4/14 to 4/20 2014
Another solid week of training in the books, and another 5K race completed (#2 of the year). The race was a bit of a surprise as I finished 50 seconds faster than I did in the 5K I ran two weeks ago, and was two seconds shy of a 5K PR – there’s something to […]
This Week in Runblogging: 4/7 to 4/13 2014
Last week seemed to herald the official arrival of Spring here in New Hampshire. Almost all of the snow has finally melted, the sun has been shining, and the trails have been muddy and wet rather than snowy and icy (great test for the Salomon Sense Pro’s that have been on my feet a lot […]
This Week in Runblogging: 3/31 to 4/6 2014
Had a great week last week! I got lots of writing done, met the beginner 5K group I’m co-coaching this Spring, and ran my first road 5K in over a year yesterday. I’d forgotten how good a hard-effort 5K race can make you feel! I finished second in my age group in the 5K and […]
Slomo: Do What You Want To
My wife found the video below on the NY Times website this morning and shared it with me. Almost one year out from quitting my 10-year career as an academic to build a new career around my passion for running, this speaks to me on so many levels. Do want you want to. Don’t be […]

This Week in Runblogging: 4/28-5/4
Sometimes you just need to do something a little bit different, and maybe just a bit dumb, in your training. On Thursday I had 8 miles on my schedule, but wound up running three separate times in three different pairs of shoes for a total of almost 16 miles. It resulted from seizing unexpected running […]