Archives for 2019

2019 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Running Gear Deals

Each year around this time I put up a post containing a collection of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale links. Basically what I do is spend some time scouring the web for running-related holiday sales, and aggregate them all into a single post – kind of a one-stop shop for runners looking for discounted […]

The Mysterious Sleeping Injury

There’s no doubt that as I have gotten older, my body has changed. Coming back to running a bunch this summer, I’ve noticed that I tend to be stiffer on the days after a hard workout, and I pay the price if I don’t take days off. I’ve had fairly regular lower back issues, though […]

Running Shoe Review: adidas Adizero Prime Parley

There was time when shipments of shoes would arrive at my house from various brands on a weekly basis. Some I had requested, some were shoes that brands were pushing because they were the latest and greatest thing and they wanted to spread the word. That’s how the blogging/review/influencer business works. It’s also part of […]

The Ghost of Races Past: Reconciling an Older, Less Fit Body With Expectations Based on Prior Performances

On July 4th I ran my first timed race in probably five years, and I’m pretty sure it was the first race I’ve run since I turned 40. I’ve done a few Ragnar relays with friends in the interim, but nothing where it was just me against the clock. The race was held in Bridgton, […]