Comments on: Barefoot Running Mechanics are Different than Running in Nike Free, Nike Lunaracer 2, Standard Shoes Running Shoes, Gear Reviews, and Posts on the Science of the Sport Sun, 13 Jan 2013 19:16:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cody R. Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-767883271 after switching to “barefoot” shoes 2 and a half years ago, and also going almost barefoot completely the last 3 months, my form is SIGNIFICANTLY better, i didn’t necessarily have to bad of form, but there have been significant changes in everything i do, standing, walking, running, jumping, almost everything bio mechanically is better than it used to be
it’s good to see more tests confirm differences

By: Blaise Dubois Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-766582543 In reply to Pete Larson.

But more your shoes are maximalist, more your chances to run differently than barefoot are high… and more you run minimalist, more your chances to run closer to barefoot are high

By: BH Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-981831439 In reply to Cody R..

Awesome. I would really appreciate it if you could pass along the reference to the paper describing what ‘better’ running form is.

By: Pete Larson Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-984926250 In reply to Cody R..

Mark’s a brave guy to wade into that debate :)

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By: Michael Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-768173884 In reply to Pete Larson.

how do you know that soreness in one’s ankle foot is do to the transition to forefoot running and not due to a particular shoe? in theory, shouldn’t everyone feel some strain alleviated in the knee and increased in the ankle/foot when making the transition?

By: Robert Osfield Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-768460621 Another tantalizing study – interesting, but falls a little short of a what it would be nice to see done to tease out the relationship between shoes and running form. It would be nice to repeat the study with a wider range of shoes type – in particular some genuinely minimal shoes like Vivobarefoot/Vibrams/Bare-X 180’s.

Allowing the running to run for a few minutes in a particular shoe condition for a few minutes before testing is appropriate for a short term study but it’s the longer term adaptations that are the key differences that we should be interested in.

Another aspect I’d like to see is the how individuals respond to different stimulus.

It rather feels that we are getting lots of little pieces of the jigsaw from various studies and we can use these a certain amount about the gaps in between these jigsaw pieces, but it’s oh so frustrating that the jigsaw pieces are a bit too mis-shapen to easily fit them together into a single compelling picture.

By: Cody R. Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-982144600 In reply to BH.

well really, it’s not just one paper, but many different sites and whatever, drawing bits and pieces from them

and also understanding the main concepts of how the body wants to be while unaltered by any footwear…i mean i was just able to pick it up myself so you’d have to probably search around

at the moment, i can’t remember unfortunately….however, Dr. Mark Cucuzella from natural running center basically nailed it and i fixed some minor things that i didn’t picj up before, that and my track coach Anthony Veney…both of those teachings combined helped me get it down…

so yea, this video, and googling barefoot running as well as Anthony Veney, as he has some videos up that can help translate

hope that helps

By: Pete Larson Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-984975970 In reply to Cody R..

No, I’m on his side too :)

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By: Lovefitnesseducation Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-773804899 Good article on a very controversial topic at the moment, I have been involved in some very heated debates with some passionate people who swear by barefoot and those who have a more cynical approach to its practicality. I am a believer in natural processes in everything I do
and try to stay as close to the way it “should be” as much as
realistically possible – I have written more on my thoughts here in this
article –

By: mdent Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-768162674 What about speed? There is but one reference here to “average” speed during the trials. These runners are fast, but that average is an otherwise meaningless number. If you want to run faster, you’re going to want a bit of cushion, biomechanics be damned, right? More interesting than any of this pseudo-analysis is what changes the study subjects made, if any, after the study. They are individuals, after all.

By: Cody R. Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-982871691 In reply to Pete Larson.

lol, i forgot, remembered, and forgot again to post the link of that video

c’mon brain :P

By: Cody R. Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=157#comment-982886799 In reply to Cody R..

also, here’s a conveniently new article on pose running vs natural running also by Dr. Mark Cucuzella
