Comments on: Marathon Strategy: Should I Push the Pace or Hold Back Running Shoes, Gear Reviews, and Posts on the Science of the Sport Sat, 02 May 2009 02:23:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pete Larson Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=880#comment-8931726 In reply to Brian Borchers.


What target heart rate do you shoot for in a half-marathon? I tried to stay
around 150 bpm in my last training run, but I’m fairly new to heart rate


By: Brian Borchers Tue, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 http://localhost/runblogger/wordpress/?p=880#comment-8927645 Not having run a marathon yet, but having some experience with half marathons, my approach in unfamiliar situations (new longest race distance, running at lower elevation, etc.) has been to race at a target heart rate or perceived effort and not worry about pace much.

I keep my “wouldn’t it be amazing if…” goal pace in mind. If I find myself at or faster than that pace, and I’m not having trouble maintaining it (i.e. my heart rate is good), then I’ll go with it. If I’m having the slightest trouble, then I’ll back off to my “B” goal pace. Late in the race, if I’m feeling really good, then I’ll push the pace a bit faster.

You’re clearly ready to set a new PR in this race by a many minutes. Starting off at pace for 3:40 a mile would be safe, but it would pretty much doom your chances of finishing in 3:15. If the pace calculators say that you could do 3:10, then I’d go ahead and start out at 3:15 pace.
